Chapter 16

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Louis' POV

"I'm hungry," Niall whined.

"We're going to eat in a few minutes, just be patient," Liam smiled, squeezing Niall's hand.

I laughed watching the sweet couple. We had been in America for about 3 and a half weeks. It was currently July 1st and, sadly, it was almost that time of the month. I winced as a particularly painful cramp hit. Gosh I hate pms... and my period. That still sounds weird. I looked over at Harry, who I was sitting next to, to see what he was doing. He was texting his friend, Hilary, who I had met via Skype a few weeks ago. She was funny and very sweet. She actually gave me her number and I've been texting her for a few weeks. I frowned as another cramp hit. I feel so stupid for ever telling my sisters to 'suck it up'.

"Harry," I said, "could you move over a bit, please. I need some medicine." I whispered the last part not wanting Lou or Paul to hear.

"Sure boobear," Harry smiled.

I got up and scooted past him, walking over to my bunk. I had a bottle of pamprin in my pillowcase. It probably wasn't the best place to hide my pills, but it just seemed like a good idea. I took 2 pills from the bottle and stuffed it back into the pillow case. I clamped my hand around the pills, to keep anyone from seeing, and walked over to the fridge to get a bottle of water. I noticed Lou looking at me and I prayed she wouldn't ask any questions, but of course my luck always sucks.

"What are those pills you're taking?" Lou asked.

"Um, they're nothing," I mumbled.

"If they're nothing then I assume you'll let me see," she raised her eyebrows.

I looked at Harry for help. "Lou they aren't anything important. Why do you feel the need to see them? I don't mean that in a rude way I'm just curious."

"I just want to make sure he isn't taking anything dangerous," Lou said.

"Lou they aren't dangerous," I said, "they aren't even prescription. They're Tylenol."

"I don't doubt you, but I would still like to see them," she sighed.

"Fine," I muttered.

I walked over to where Lou, Lux, and Paul were sitting and showed Lou the pills, quickly closing my fist around them again. I looked at Lou and frowned at her expression. She had a look of confusion on her face and I really didn't want to know what she was thinking. Of course she told me anyway.

"Louis," she frowned, "those don't look like Tylenol. In fact they look exactly like the pills I take when I'm on my period. Pamprin, that's what they're called. They look like pamprin."

"Why would I take pamprin?" I laughed, nervously, "I'm a guy."

"That's what I'm wondering," Paul said.

I winced. Cramps suck!

"Louis what's wrong with you abdomen?" Lou asked and I realized that I had my hand on my lower abdomen.

"Nothing I was just resting my hand there," I mumbled, walking towards the fridge. I took out a bottle of water and swallowed the pills, excited for the relief that would soon follow.

"You know," Lou said, "if you're experiencing a cramping sensation you should take Tylenol. Pamprin isn't designed for men and it's designed for women with pms or on their period."

"Exactly Louis," Paul agreed, "that really isn't a good thing to do. In fact I would prefer if you would give me the rest of the pills so you don't do any damage taking them."

"I would do that," I said, "but they aren't pamprin. They're Tylenol. They just look a little different. I guess in America they make them look different."

Paul looked convinced, but Lou didn't. I sighed, I'm going to have some serious explaining to do later.

"I'm sorry for assuming they were pamprin," Paul said, "that was stupid. I mean you're a guy. Anyway it's time we got off the bus and got ready for the concert."

We all smiled and filed off the bus. Time for the concert!

(I'm skipping the concert because I want to get to later that night.)

I climbed onto the bus with the other boys. I squirmed slightly. During the concert my period had decided to make it's oh-so glorious arrival. Note the sarcasm. I walked over to my suitcase and pulled out a pad. Slipping it into my pocket, along with some underwear since it had been soaked, I slipped into the bathroom. I changed my underwear and put the pad on quickly. After I put the soiled underwear into my dirty clothes bag. I turned to see Lou looking at me with a shocked expression. Oh no, I groaned. She saw.

"Louis," she said, "how about we go for a walk and talk?"

"Um, sure," I said, "Harry do you want to come?"

"Sure," Harry smiled, and I mentally thanked him.

"Are you sure you want him to go?" Lou asked.

"He already knows," I said, "all the boys do."

Lou nodded and we followed her of the bus, my hand in Harry's. We walked for awhile in silence, but finally Lou just had to ask.

"Alright," Lou said, "I'm having a real hard time comprehending what I saw, but with everything I've seen today I'm really confused with the conclusion."

"And what did you see?" Harry asked, "Oh, and where's Lux?"

"Lux is with Liam, Niall, and Zayn," Lou smiled, "as for what I saw today, well, first you were taking pamprin because of cramping. Next you're taking a pad and underwear to the bathroom. Finally you put a pair of bloody underwear in your dirty clothes bag."

"You saw all that?" I blushed.

"Yes I did," she nodded.

"Okay," I sighed, "here goes."

I told her everything. From the doctor finding a fully functioning female reproductive system to the surgery and me being on my, erm, period. She stared at me in shock and I felt Harry squeeze my hand. I waited for her to begin laughing like the boys, but it never came. She just stared at me and finally pulled me into a hug.

"Oh Louis," she said, "that's such an incredible discovery. You've been blessed with a gift. You and Harry must be so happy to know that you can have kids one day. Congratulations!"

"You mean you don't think I'm a freak," I smiled.

"Of course not hun," she laughed, "I think that's amazing. I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks Lou," I smiled.

"Yeah and thanks for not thinking it was a joke," Harry agreed.

"Why would I think you would joke about something so important?" She asked.

"It's just that, at first, Liam, Niall, and Zayn thought I was joking and it hurt pretty bad," I said.

"Oh," Lou said, "well I'm a little more mature than the boys. Don't tell them I said that."

"Of course not Lou," Harry laughed.

After talking for a few more minutes we decided to head back to the bus. I was so glad Lou didn't think I was a freak. She was actually happy for Harry and I. Tonight went a lot better than I had assumed it would. We had a great concert and Lou now knew the truth. We climbed onto the bus and changed for bed. We all hopped into our bunks, except for Lou who had a bed with Lux, and drifted off to sleep.

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