Chapter 7

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Louis' POV

"What the hell!?"

Harry and I froze, before quickly pulling away. We turned to see Niall standing in the door frame, his mouth wide open and his eyes wide.

"I-I was j-just coming to see about the p-popcorn," he stammered, "w-what just happened?"

"Niall," Harry said, "will you take this to Liam and Zayn? After that come back in here and we'll talk.

"Um, yeah ok," he mumbled.

He grabbed the bowls of popcorn and walked into the living room. Harry and I stared at each other, unsure of what else to do. Would Niall tell Liam and Zayn? Would he be disgusted? He had said that he thought we would make a cute couple, but that was when he didn't know we were a couple. How would he react now? Before I had a chance to get to freaked out, Niall walked back into the room.

"Alright," he smiled, "explain. Now."

I looked at Harry, silently asking for permission to tell Niall. Harry gave my hand a squeeze, silently telling me to tell Niall. Okay, here we go.

"Niall," I said, "Harry and I are really dating."

Niall's eyes widened and he began to jump up and down, clapping like a little girl.

"This is so great!" He cheered, "When did this happen, though?"

"Yesterday," Harry blushed.

"What happened yesterday?" Niall asked, excitedly.

"Harry and I kissed," I mumbled, "and we both liked it. Then he took me out to an amazing dinner and we might have kissed a little more."


I put a hand to Niall's mouth, "quiet before Liam finds out."

"Sorry," Niall mumbled, "but this is so great!"

"It is isn't it?" Harry sighed, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.

Of course that got Niall going. I slapped him upside the head, sending him a glare for being so girlie. With the conversation over the three of us walked back into the living room to watch the movie. Once the movie was over the boys decided to leave. I hugged each of them, muttering a quick, 'don't tell Liam' in Niall's ear. Once they were gone I drooped my shoulders and let a few tears escape my eyes. Harry came and enveloped me in a hug.

"Shhh, boobear what's wrong?" He asked, softly.

"It's just Liam," I mumbled.

"What about him?"

"It just hurts knowing we can't tell him and he made me feel so disgusting. For a moment I really thought I was a bad guy for being gay," I said.

"Oh boobear," Harry sighed, "I felt the same way. I felt as though I was committing the worst crime in the world, but it's not a crime it's love."

"I love you Haz."

"I love you too boobear."

Okay so I am going to skip a month guys, so don't get confused.

***1 Month Later***

Still louis' POV

"I did not lose!" Niall yelled, "You cheated."

"I did not cheat!" Zayn argued.

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did n-"

"Will you just shut up!" I groaned.


"No but," Liam sighed, "just have a rematch."

"Fine," they both muttered.

If you're wondering what were doing I suppose I should tell you. We're having random competitions to see who can do the most of stuff. We do it one on one and the other three are the judges. We've had who can cut up the most carrots, who can say the most words in a minute, and who can do the most push ups. Currently that was what Niall and Zayn were arguing over. Zayn one after Niall fell one their 29th push up, but Niall said he only fell because Zayn knocked him over. Of course Zayn said he didn't and Liam, Harry, and I hadn't seen anything like that happen, so Niall didn't have much of a leg to stand on. After another round of push ups, which Zayn once again won much to Niall's displeasure, the boys decided it was time to take a break and just talk.

"I saw that photo of you and Harry kissing on the news," Liam said, a mixture of disgust and humor on his face.

"Did you now?" Harry, who's lap I was currently cuddled into, smiled. "Was it believable enough for you?"

"Believable enough," Zayn smirked, "it was almost too believable. Are you sure you two weren't enjoying that kiss, even a little bit?"

Niall gave us a knowing look and Harry, along with myself, blushed.

"Not at all mate," I smiled, "it was like kissing a brother. Although, I don't have a brother so I can't really say what that's like."

"What about you Harry?" Zayn asked, "Did you enjoy the kiss?"

Harry smirked and I mentally prepared for his answer, "Oh yeah Zayn, but I didn't enjoy it near as much as the sex that followed."

I couldn't help it, especially with the look on Zayn and Liam's faces. I burst out laughing. Niall and Harry were quick to join in. Once I had, somewhat, calmed down I looked over at Liam. He had a look of disgust on his face and I suddenly felt very dirty. Harry must of sensed this because he placed his arms around me and looked at Liam.

"Liam," he said, "you know that was a joke, right?"

"I know it was," Liam muttered, his jaw clenched, "but that doesn't mean it is appropriate to make such disgusting jokes."

"How was it disgusting, Liam?" Niall asked, a confused look on his face.

"Because!" Liam yelled, whoa that was new, "gay sex is a filthy thing and the fact that they joked about it so casually is absolutely wrong."

"Liam, mate, calm down. It was only a joke," Zayn muttered.

"Well, it wasn't funny," Liam sneered, "now if you'll excuse me I'm going back to my flat."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because of had enough of this fag related conversation. Good bye."

He walked out of the room and slammed the door loudly. All of us just stared at each other, not really sure what had just happened. Why was Liam acting this way? Wasn't he the one who said to always be yourself? What the heck was going on? My head was hurting from all these thoughts and I brought my hands up to it. The silence was akward and I don't think anyone knew what to do.

Finally Harry spoke up, "so, erm, who wants a beer?"

Immediately all our hands went up and we were all laughing. I followed Harry into the kitchen to help him with the beers and if a few sweet kisses were shared that was just a bonus.

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