Chapter 23

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October 29th

(Sorry if I'm jumping around to much, but it would be hard to write about everything in the pregnancy.)

Louis' POV

I hate this. This sucks. Why did this have to happen. No, I'm not talking about my pregnancy. I don't regret that. I'm very excited to be having a baby. Of course I'm nervous too, but the excitement makes up for it. What I wish didn't have to happen was my, erm, breasts. I'd heard about women's breasts swelling, but I'm a guy. That shouldn't be happening, right? Apparently, whether it should or shouldn't be didn't matter because it was. They weren't huge or anything, but there was a distinct softness about them. All of my working out was definitely being destroyed. I poked one and grimaced when I noticed its squishy feeling. I didn't like this. This wasn't right. I remember saying in an interview that, if I was a girl, I would want c-cup boobs. That, however, was if I was a girl and I am not a girl. Even if I could fill an a-cup bra right now. Nope, I'm not even going there. I turned away from the mirror, flipping it off as I did so.
"What are you doing flipping off the mirror Lou?" I turned to see Harry with an amused look on his face.
I could feel tears brimming my eyes as I spoke.
"I have boobs," I said, tears streaming down my cheeks, "and there is no way we can hide that I'm pregnant. Look at me!"
I pointed to my stomach, which had grown too much for my liking in the last month.
"Boobear," Harry frowned, "in two weeks we're going to have an interview and tell everyone that we're adopting a child and that I challenged you to wear a pregnancy stomach. You just have to go two more weeks."
"I know," I sighed, "but what about my boobs?"
"Louis you shouldn't be worrying about that," Harry said, "in fact I think it's really cool that you have a little extra flesh right there. Maybe that means you can breast feed like you wanted to."
I perked up slightly at this. Yes, I wanted to breast feed. I know it would be harder to hide from fans, but there was something so intimate and special about those moments. I remember when I was 13 and I had walked in on my mum breastfeeding Phoebe. Now, I most certainly did not enjoy seeing her breasts, but I did see the amazed look on her face. She looked so happy and in love. As silly as it sounds at that moment I had wanted to know what it was like to experience that. Now I might be able to. When I had asked Dr. Juvil about it she had told me that I would be able to breast feed if I got a little more flesh around my nipples. I had completely forgotten about that. Maybe this was a good thing, even if it did mean I would have to work harder keeping it from fans. I just hope they don't get much bigger. I'm really not interested in wearing a bra.
"You're right Haz," I smiled, "I had completely forgotten that I might be able to breast feed now."
"I'm glad I cheered you up," Harry laughed, "now hurry up and put your shirt on. It's time to go and find out the sex of our baby. I love saying that."
"And I love hearing it," I said, throwing a shirt on and following Harry out of the flat.
When we arrived at Dr. Juvil's office it was empty, as always. She was the only doctor that worked in that office and she always made sure that she scheduled my appointments so that no one was leaving or coming in when we arrived or left. She was just amazing like that. In fact she actually had a few nurses with her and was able to deliver babies in the room next to her office since they were in a hospital. So, no one would know that I went into labor. Whenever that happens.
"Louis," Lilac, who was a nice and young nurse, smiled, "come on back."
I followed her back and she motioned for me to step on the scale. I gripped Harry's hand tighter and shook my head.

"Why not Louis?" Lilac asked.
"I don't like the scale," I said, "every time I get on it I weigh more than the last time. I don't like that."
"Louis," Lilac laughed, "you're pregnant. Of course you're going to gain weight. Dr. Juvil would be worried if you didn't."
"Fine," I grumbled.
I stepped on the scale, with my eyes shut tight, and waited for the beep. Once I heard it I stepped off and opened my eyes.
"168 exactly," Lilac said.
"Lilac," I whined, "the reason I closed my eyes was so I wouldn't know."
"Sorry sweetheart," Lilac laughed again, "but if it makes you feel any better you should know you are completely in the normal range of weight gain."
"It doesn't," I said, "but thanks for trying.
She laughed as she took us to the examining room and I hopped up on the bed. Harry sat in the chair next to the exam bed. Lilac took my blood pressure, I was completely shocked it was normal because I was so anxious, and left the room after telling us Dr. Juvil would be in soon. I fiddled with my thumbs and looked at Harry.
"What do you want it to be?" I asked him.
"What do you mean?" He looked confused and I couldn't help but laugh.
"What gender do you want the baby to be?" I asked.
"Oh," Harry smiled, "I'd love for the baby to be a boy or girl, but I have to admit I would love to have a little girl to spoil and protect. What do you want the baby to be, love?"
"Healthy," I said, "I really don't care what gender the baby is. If it's a girl that would be amazing and she'd have five guys to be overprotective of her and she'd definitely be spoiled, but not rotten. If it's a boy then I would love to teach him football and he'd be spoiled in a different way. Either way though, I'm happy."
"Those are some very good points," Harry said, "is he or she going to take both last names?"
"I actually think he or she should take Styles," I mumbled, "because I hope to take that name eventually."
"Really?" Harry's eyes were wide.
"I'm sorry it was just an idea I just thought-"
"I think that's the most beautiful thing I've heard," Harry beamed, "I would love for you to be a Styles someday."
I didn't respond. Harry got up from his chair and sat next to me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and our lips connected. His arms went to my waist and he deepened the kiss. Just as my hands began playing with the hem of his shirt, I got caught up in the moment obviously, there was a knock on the door signaling Dr. Juvil was coming in. We broke apart and Harry jumped into the chair just as Dr. Juvil entered the room.
"Good Morning boys," she smiled, "how are you two doing today?"
We both smiled and said 'fine'. Dr. Juvil sat on a stool next to the counter and put my chart there, reading it.
"You're weight gain is on track. You're completely in the normal zone," she said, "do you have any questions before we find out if you're expecting a girl or a boy?"
"Just one," I said, "am I going to be able to breast feed now?"
"I take it you're breasts have swelled a bit?" She asked.
"Yeah," I blushed.
"Well, you need to take you're sweatshirt off anyway and you'll have to pull your shirt up," she said, "do you mind if I check your breasts?"
"Go right ahead," I mumbled. Gosh I can't stop blushing.
I pulled my sweatshirt up and over my head. After handing it to Harry I pulled my shirt up, embarrassed that people were seeing my stomach. I guess I was slightly embarrassed about gaining weight. I knew it was a good thing I was, since I was pregnant, but that didn't mean I was enjoying the weight gain.
"Hmm," Dr. Juvil said, examining my chest, "I'd say you will definitely be able to breast feed."
I smiled at that, "thank you. Um, do you think they'll get much bigger? Please say no."
"I don't think they will get much bigger," Dr. Juvil said, "but they might swell a bit more. You shouldn't worry, though, because once you're done breastfeeding you'll be able to tone up again."
"Oh, good," I smiled.
"Are you ready to find out the gender of your little one?" She asked.
"Yes!" Harry and I exclaimed at the same time.
Dr. Juvil laughed and got the ultra sound machine ready. I pulled my shirt down a bit, so that it was covering my chest, and waited. Dr. Juvil spread the gel around my stomach and put the ultra sound wand on it. I looked at the screen and tears began to well up in my eyes as I looked at my child. I looked at Harry and he had the same reaction.
"Do you want to know the gender?" Dr. Juvil asked.
I nodded excitedly and she laughed.
"Well, boys," she smiled, "it looks like you're expecting a little girl."
She printed out the picture and let me clean off my stomach. Once I was back in my baggy sweatshirt Harry wrapped me in a hug.
"It's a girl Lou," he smiled, "we're having a little girl."
I just smiled and hugged him again.

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