Chapter 19

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Louis' POV

"You're p-pregnant," Harry gasped.

I smiled, "Harry we really should get it confirmed by Dr. Johanssen before we get too excited."
"You're right," Harry said, "do you want me to call her?"
"No," I said, "you bought the tests. I want to be the one to call her."
Harry nodded and went to the kitchen. He came back a minute later with the phone in his hand. I laughed and took the phone from him.
"Someone's eager," I laughed again.
Harry blushed and stuck his tongue out at me, "well, excuse me for wanting to know if I'm going to be a daddy."
"If you don't leave me alone and let me call you'll never find out," I said.
Harry immediately ran out of the room. I laughed and sat down on the couch. Once I was comfortable I dialed the number. It rang for a moment and then,
"Dr. Johanssen's office, how may I help you?"
"Um, hi," I mumbled, "I was wondering if it was possible for me to speak with Dr. Johanssen."
"One moment please, I'll check," the woman responded.
I heard a click and then music began playing. It was classical and not helping my already tired body. I pulled a blanket over my body and snuggled into the couch. Don't fall asleep. Don't fall asleep. Right as my eyelids began to betray me I heard another click and the music shut off. Thank God!
"Dr. Johanssen speaking, how may I help you?"
"Hi Dr. Johanssen," I said, "it's Louis Tomlinson."
"Hello Louis," I could picture her smile, "how are you?"
"I'm okay," I said, "but I've been sick lately."
"I see," she said, "what do you mean by sick?"
"I've been really tired, I've been throwing up every morning and throughout the day, and my um nipples have been really sore," I blushed as I said the last part, but I knew she needed to know everything.
"Mhm," she knew what I was getting at, "and when was the date of your last menstrual cycle?"
"July 1st," I said, not wanting to admit it.
"You're late," she sighed.
"Yeah I am," I agreed.
"Have you taken a home pregnancy test yet?" She asked.
"Yes," I said, "I took three. They were all positive."
"I see," she said, "well, I'd say there's a very good chance that you are pregnant. I have an opening today at 11. Does that work with you?"
"Yes it does," I smiled, "thank you Dr. Johanssen. I'll see you then."
"Alright bye Louis."
"Bye Dr. Johanssen."
I put the phone in the kitchen and then walked into Harry's room. He was walking back and forth across the room, obviously anxious. I laughed when I saw it and he spun around to face me. His eyes were filled with worry and I felt bad for laughing. Walking over to him I pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. I laid down on the bed and motioned for him to join me, which he did.
"What did Dr. Johanssen say?" He asked.
"I have an appointment for 11," I smiled, "and she said there's a very good chance that I'm pregnant."
"Would it be a bad thing if I said I hope you are?" Harry asked, blushing.
"I don't think so," I said, "because I'm hoping the same thing."
Harry's eyes lit up, "really?"
"Really, but before we go I need to do one thing."
"What's that?"
I curled up into him and said, "I need a nap."

***later at the doctors office***

"Louis Tomlinson," Elaina called.
"Hi Elaina," I smiled, following her to the scale.
"Is Harry going to stay with you today?" She asked.
"Damn right I am," Harry said and I slapped his arm.
"Go ahead and step on the scale Lou," she instructed.
I hopped on the scale and waited for it to beep. In the end I had lost two pounds. Probably from all the throwing up I've been doing. Elaina wrote down the number and led us to a room. She took my blood pressure, which was high from my insane nerves, and after talking to us for awhile she told us that the doctor would be in in a few minutes. I looked at Harry, who was texting the boys seeing if they wanted to come over tonight, and smiled. We had only had sex once, but I suppose you can get pregnant your first time. July 10th. That day will always hold significance and now we might be having a baby. It's all so crazy, but for some reason we both want me to be pregnant. I sighed as I saw Dr. Johanssen come in.
"Good morning Louis and Harry," she smiled.
"Good morning," we both said.
Dr. Johanssen looked at her notes and then back at me.
"So, Louis," she started, "you gave me a call telling me about symptoms that sounded exactly like pregnancy symptoms and you had 3 positive pregnancy tests. Is that correct?"
"Yes it is," I mumbled.
"Okay, well basically what I'm going to do is have Elaina take some blood and we'll send them to the lab. Don't worry I will personally do you test so no one else sees the results. You should have the results some time tonight. By six for sure," she explained.
"Okay," I said, "if I am pregnant are there going to be lots of complications since I'm a guy?"
Dr. Johanssen shook her head, "there shouldn't be, no. You're body has both hormones and it will produce anything else you need for this pregnancy."
"Good," I sighed, "I didn't want to learn that this was going to be some life or death thing."
"Not at all," Dr. Johanssen laughed, "I'm going to go get Elaina. Once she is done taking your blood you are free to leave and I will call you later with the results."
I thanked Dr. Johanssen and she left the room to go get Elaina. A few minutes later Elaina came in, holding all the things she needed to steal my blood. I groaned. I hated having my blood drawn. It hurt and I didn't like it. Harry must have seen me squirming because he got up and stood by me. He grabbed my hand and I squeezed it as Elaine drew 3 small vials of blood. Once she was done she put a band aid over the spot and Harry and I went back to our flat to prepare for a movie night with the boys, but all I could think about was; was I pregnant?

(*later that night*, and sorry about all the jumping around..)

"Niall pass the chips!"
"No my chips!"
"Niall they aren't all yours!"
"Want to bet?"
I rolled my eyes as Niall and Zayn fought over a bag of chips. Zayn usually just gave in, but I guess he was hungry tonight because he wasn't giving up. Finally I couldn't take it anymore. I told Zayn to calm down while I go and get him another bag of chips. I laughed at the smile that was put on Zayn's face and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a bag of chips and was just about to walk out of the kitchen when the phone rang. My heart began racing as I lunged for the phone.
"H-hello?" I asked.
"Hello Louis," Dr. Johanssen said, "I just wanted to call you and tell you I have your results."
"You d-do?" Oh gosh here it comes.
"Yes, are you ready to here them?" She asked.
"Absolutely yes!" I exclaimed.
"Well, congratulations," she smiled on the other end of the line, "you're pregnant!"
"I am?" I choked, not sure if I'd heard correctly.
"Yes you are," she said, "congratulations. Now I have the number of a wonderful obgyn. Her name is Dr. Juvil."
She told me the number and I wrote it down quickly. After I hung up and gave Zayn his chips I, all but, dragged Harry into my bedroom.
"What's wrong Lou? Why'd you drag me in here?" He seemed worried.
I laughed, "because Haz. We're going to be parents!"
"Are you serious?" He asked beaming.
"Yes," I smiled, "I'm pregnant!"
I didn't have time to say anything else before I was enveloped in a hug and his lips crashed down onto mine. Today couldn't have been anymore perfect.

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