Chapter 22

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October 2nd

Harry's POV

I watched as Louis changed out of his shirt and boxers and into some fresh clothes. I could see him pause as he put on his shirt, looking intently at his small but definitely noticeable baby bump. He's 14 weeks and, although most people would only assume that he has been neglecting his body, I could certainly tell that he was pregnant. It was a wonderful feeling. A feeling that filled me with warmth. I'm going to be a dad. Me! A dad! It's crazy, terrifying, and amazing all at once. I may only be 19, but I'm ready to hold my baby in my arms. I looked back to Louis, who had slipped his shirt on and was now looking at me with raised eyebrows. Crap! I've been caught.
"And just what do you think you're doing Mr. Styles?" He smirked.
"Just admiring my lovely pregnant boyfriend," I smirked back.
Louis blushed and grabbed his hand. We walked out of the flat and, after locking it of course, drove to meet some people from management. Apparently they had seen something in a magazine and were less than pleased and I could tell the closer we got the more nervous Louis got by the way he was squeezing my hand. When we arrived I saw Liam, Niall, and Zayn standing outside drinking coffee. We got out of the car and walked over to the boys.
"Hey guys," I smiled.
"HI!" Louis screamed, making me grimace.
"Goodness Lou inside voice," Niall whined.
"But we're outside," Louis pointed out.
"He's got you there mate," Zayn laughed.
"Whatever," Niall muttered and then held up two drinks, "here we got you two coffee."
"Well, we got Harry coffee. Lou, we got you a decaffeinated iced tea," Liam explained.
"Yay!" I clapped my hands and took my tea. "Thank you," I smiled.
Harry took his coffee and said a 'thank you' as well.
"Is everyone ready?" Zayn asked. We all nodded and walked into the building.
Walking to the elevator, no to mention the ride up, was nerve wracking. Louis talked non-stop and I could tell just how nervous he was. I grabbed his hand. It was shaking and he hadn't even had caffeine. I think we both were thinking the same thing. What if this is about the baby? The only person who is around management who knew is Lou and she promised we didn't have to tell until we were ready, but who knows if they found out. A lady told us were to go and we walked into a large room with a long tables. One chair was on one side and five were on the other. What was shocking though was who was sitting in that one chair. Simon.
"Good morning boys," Simon smiled.
"Good morning Simon," we said in sync.
"Simon," I said, "I didn't think you worked in this building."
"I don't," Simon chuckled, "but I was here checking on some things and I heard that you boys were being called in to discuss some things. I decided I wanted to be the one to discuss them with you. Shall we?"
We nodded and took our sets. Liam and Niall were together as were Louis and I, big shocker. Zayn was in the middle so he wasn't a loner. Simon got up and grabbed a magazine from the desk that as in the corner of the room. He sighed, looking at its content, and walked back over to us. He dropped the open magazine onto the table and I cringed when I saw what was on the page. A picture of Louis walking into a store with his shirt snug against his bump. It was from less than a week ago. He had been wearing a loose shirt that day, but the shit had shifted so it showed the subtle roundness of his stomach.
"Anyone care to explain?"
No one spoke and I squeezed Louis' hand tighter.
"Let me just say that I've seen a lot of the pictures that go around tumblr. A lot of girls have decided to nickname your stomach 'tomlintummy', right? Well, I've seen those pictures and this one is different. You're stomach wasn't round before. Now it almost appears that you're pregnant. I've actually had girls ask me if you are. Some were even hoping you are. Now, what is going on? Are you wearing some sort of fake pregnancy stomach? Because you sure as heck do look pregnant," Simon ranted.
"I can assure you I am not wearing a fake pregnancy stomach," Louis said, worry in his eyes.
"Yeah," Niall laughed, "that would be weird."
I watched Zayn elbow Niall and Niall shut right up. Simon began pacing back and forth. I looked at Louis, who was still shaking, and kissed his forehead. Eventually Simon calmed down and he smiled. I tensed, unsure of why he was smiling, and waited for him to speak. After hat felt like ages he finally did.
"I don't know why I was stressing over this," he chuckled slightly, "it's quite an easy fix. I know there is a gym near your flat. I'll call and hire you a personal trainer. He or she will come up with a strict diet plan and make sure you are at the gym exercising everyday. In one month you can all come back and we'll monitor your weight loss, Louis. That also means they will weigh you once a week at the gym."
"Sir," Louis said, "I've been exercising every day. Harry and I have been going to the gym. I've been walking, using the elliptical, and riding the bikes. I swear I'm exercising."
"That may be," Simon sighed, "but the fact is you've obviously gained weight Louis."
"Only five pounds," he muttered.
"But it looks like more," Simon said, "and you need to lose it before you end up gaining more."
Louis leaned in and whispered in my ear, "can we tell him?"
"Only if you want to," I whispered back.
Louis nodded and looked at Simon. I noticed the intense fear in Louis' eyes and frowned. I didn't like seeing him like that.
"I can't lose the weight yet," Louis frowned.
"Yeah," I agreed, "and he, um, is probably going to gain more."
"Are you saying you're gaining weight on purpose Louis? Because I swear-" we cut Simon off.
"I promise I'm not doing this purposely, but I don't have any control over it," Louis said.
Simon looked confused, no confused didn't cover it. He looked like we had already told him that Louis was pregnant. I almost laughed at his face, but quickly composed myself. After Louis swatted me in the back of the head that is.
"What do you mean you don't have any control over it?" Simon asked, not angry but definitely not happy either.
Louis looked at the boys and whispered something in Zayn's ear. Zayn nodded and whispered the message to Niall, who whispered it to Liam. All the boys nodded and Louis turned back to me.
"They said we can tell him," he whispered to me.
I nodded, gosh we're all nodding, and we faced Simon.
"Well?" He frowned.
"Simon," Louis said, "what we're about to tell you is pretty shocking. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't believe us at all, but I assure you we are telling nothing but the truth."
"Yeah," Niall said, "and please don't kick anyone out of the band."
"Why would I kick anyone out of the band?" Simon asked.
Louis took a deep breath.
"I'm pregnant," he said simply.
We looked at Simon and waited for him to explode, but it never came. I could see him furrow his brows and it looked like he was thinking really hard.
"Well," he finally said, "I assume you plan on keeping it."
"Absolutely," Louis answered, "and I'll leave the band if that's what it takes. I refuse to let you try and make me get rid of my child."
"How far along are you?" Simon asked.
"14 weeks today," Louis smiled.
"I'm not going to force you to get rid of it," Simon sighed, "this is a child not a toy. If you want to keep it then who am I to stop you? We do, however, have to figure out what we are going to do about the fans. I refuse to let them know about your pregnancy."
"What do you have in mind?" I asked.
"Once he gets to the point where he is showing and it's obvious he's pregnant, Louis, you're going to have to stay in your flat and only leave for doctor appointments," Simon said.
"Couldn't we just tell everyone that Louis and Harry are adopting a child and Louis wanted to know what it was like to have to carry around the extra weight so Harry challenged him to wear a pregnancy stomach that they continued to make bigger and heavier until the baby was born and got to go home with them?" Niall asked.
"I'm shocked that I'm going to say this, but that could work," Simon smiled, "we'll have the interview announcing it once Louis is really showing. As long as he's careful not to hug fans too tightly and no one gets any shirtless photos it just might work. We will have to put you in a few layers at all times though so your stomach isn't as pronounced underneath the layers. Do you boys agree?"
We all nodded.
"Well boys," Simon smiled, "it looks like we have our plan."

I just hope it works...

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