Chapter 6 :)

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"Morning babe" said James giving me a soft shake, I toss over and let out a groan.

"Morning, 5 more mintues yeah"

"I would let you but it's 11:30am we need to get up".

I groan again and James gently lift me out of bed by my legs, holding me like a baby, James pecks me on the lips, puts me down and gives me a massive hug when we pulled away I went into the bathroom to get changed and put my crop top and australian shorts on with my wegded high top 'sadly I can't wear the other one because of my leg'I think and sobbed a little, James was waiting for me for when I came out, we went downstairs being helped by James on the way down.

"So we ready to go then"asked Jai.

"I sure am"said Daniel giving me a smile.

"Lets go"Luke said giving me a hug.

We all walked out of the door and everyone was having diffrent convosation at once with each other, me and Beau were at the back.

"You really helped me yesterday Beau thank you" I said while smiling at him, we locked eyes and stared into each others eyes for a moment and we were going in for a kiss but realised before we could and just hugged.

"No worries babe that's what best friends are for".

"Sarah what's the address" shouted Jai.

"55 humming bird street" (A/N that was made up I don't know any strrets in Melbourne I live in england :) lol).

"Okay thanks".

We were almost 15 mintues away.

"I wasn't excepting my leg to break or me fall off James back Beau".

"No one did it was a big shock to all of us most of all James".

"I think James took most of the shock is because Sarah is his girlfriend and he broke her leg"said Luke tagging along to us

"That is what I was going too aswell" I said while a tear fell down my face

"Don't cry it's alright you have sorted things out Daniel told us he heard your convosation when he was about to knock on your door for you too come down to dinner" said Luke with one of his adorable sad faces aswell.

"Don't cry Sarah if things are alright" he said while wiping the tears away from my face and hugging me really tight.

I cheered up a little when Beau came that huge hug.

"It's so itchy" I sobbed even more

"Aww it's okay I had the same problem when I broke my arm".

"I liked your cast".

"AHAH thank you".

After another 5 mintues while talking they arrived at Rachel's house, Sarah rang the door bell.

"RACHEL" I squealed.

"SARAH" she squealed back.

"I've missed you so much how was it".

"Well you know".

"Shall we just leave it at that".

"Yeah, OH and come in".

We all went in and took a seat on the seate.

"Hey boys".

They all chouresd a 'hey' back and started to ask questions, when the boys had finshed asking all there questions it was now 5:00pm.

"Anyone hungry"asked Rachel

"Not really"everyone chouresd.

"Im having a party tonight do you all want to stay the night and partayhey"asked Rachel again to stop the slience.

"OH HELL YEAH" I screamed

Everyone else agreed and we all got ready and got things set up.

[A/N hope you like that one please vote and please comments idea's and who you wanna go out, you can think of a name for your character im really not botherd LOVE YOU]

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