Chapter 20 :)

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I woke up 3 am and quietly walkd ino the kitchen to get a drink a coke, I was shatterd and really rough, I put my arms above my head and streched my back which made me feel alot better..... a few seconds later I heard iny footsteps and a pair hands wrap around my torso and turnd around to find James.

"Hey Babe"I whisperd so I didn't wake the others

"Are you okay"

"Yeah just feel a bit tired and rough that's all"

'well im going back to sleep im shatterd and need sleep"

"Okay babe I will be through in abit"

James went back into the livingroom and went too sleep while I stayed in the kitchen and finshed my drink... after my drink i went back and cuddled next to James, he was nice and warm, he was still awake because he pouted which was indication a kiss, i learned in and i kissed his soft warm lips and we were talking very quietly back things stilll trying not towake the other.

half an hour went by and our eye lids were closing, our hug we were in got tighter as we soon dirfted off into deep sleep


As again me and James were first awake, JAmes was layed there on facebook while I was just waking, rubbing my eyes and pecking james on the check and getting to get some cereal ......... I sat back down and shared it with James, we sat in silence for a while and I got up and went to get changed ready for the day ahead of us... I came downand Daniel and Beau were waking and I said a quick quite hello and sat next to James with my macbook... after 15 mintues of silence James whisperd to me "Shall we go for a walk in the park"

"Yeah sure nobody else will wake up for ages so we migt aswell"Iwhisper back

James goes upstairs and get's changed,come's back down and we put are coats on and went out the dwon and set for the park even though it was only 9:00am.

[A/N sorry this is short,im really tired and it's nearly 5 am and I have done 3 chapters since 2 am I NEED REST ahaha I love you all so much this is why I wake up early to do the chapters, the next chapter is going to be longer I promise good bye :D love Jamie leigh]

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