Chapter 16 :)

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"I dare you to kiss Sarah on the lips Luke"said James

"Okay sure"

Luke went over to Sarah and kissed her on the lips and smiled.

"There you go"

"Well done Luke"

"My turn"screamed Daniel

"Sarah I dare you to run down the street with your top off"

"Oh for god sake really"

"Yeah Sarah go on"Said Jai


I took off my t-shirt and opened the door and the boys got there phones ready to flim, I got out of the door and ran down the street with everyone staring at me.

"It's a dare don't look at me"I screamed getting really embarrssed

I ran back after another 30 seconds

"I hate you Daniel"

"I love you more" he replied

"I got it, I got it"said James and Jai inbetween laughs

"Oh shut up"I said starting to crack up

"Okay then Daniel I dare you to run up to Beau's room and scream im dieing and then pull the door so they can't get out okay"

"Im right on it"

Daniel ran upstairs and stood outside of Beau's door and put his hand on the handle and turned it and ran in

"BE- holy shhhh"

Daniel ran to the bottom of the stairs to where we are and he wispered "Beau is snoging Keria's face off guys oh my days"

We all ran into Beau's room and all saw it

"Aww Beau that's so cute"I squealed

Beau and Keria jumped and looked at us all

"Come on get out"Beau shouted

"Sorry Beau we were just leaving"Said lottie indicating for us all to leave Beau and Keria followed us and sat next to each other on the floor and we carried on playing dare or dare for 3 hours.

[A/N well I hoped you liked that :) sorry if it is a bit short please comment and like and vote love you all bye :)

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