Chapter 14 :)

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[A/N this is dedicated to Miss Talkative because we were talking to each other and she is really amazing and she's really nice :) hope you like it]

We set off and we were messing about on the way to the hospital ready to get my leg check we arrived and we went to the waiting room.

"Sarah Thompson can you come through please" shouted the nurse.

I got up and went through to the room and sat on the bed, Dr heatherson took an x-ray of my leg and went to print in out,as I waited by myself because the boys weren't paying any attention for the doctor to come back,after a few mintues she came back.

"Well yourleg seems to be perfect the bone has came back together very well and I think we should get your cast off which is a nice thing to get off 2 weeks early isn't it"

"Thats amazing having it off 2 weeks early YEY"

Dr heatherson took off my cast,at fist it felt very wired but I got used to it, I came out to the boys and they looked at my leg and got up.

"Where's your cast gone"asked Daniel.

"Dr heatherson took it off because she said the bone had came together very well and then she said she thinks she should take it off" I said with a huge smile.

"That's amazing"said James

"I know right"I said still the the huge smile on my face.

"Well shall we go then"asked Luke.

"Let's go"we choursed

We ran back to the car and got in go to the beach.

"It's going to take half a hour do we need any breaks before we go"asked Beau getting in front of the wheel.

"Nope"Everyone choursed agian.

*half an hour later.

We all got to the beach and we grabbed everything out the boot, I put on my pilot dunglasses and put my ray bans in my pocket and grabbed my pennyboard.

"The last one to the beach has to kiss the floor" Jai teased.

"Oh shut up Jai"Said luke shoving him

Me, Beau, Luke and jai all went down to the beach on our pennyboards and waited for james and daniel.

"I never knew you pennyboarded Sarah"Said Beau

"I have been skateborading in England since I was 6 and pennyboarding since I moved oved here"I said smiling.

James and Daniel came and we went down to the the beach, when we got to the beach we went and sat down and jsut chilled for a while until Luke shouted "the last one in the sea is a loser".

We all got out swimming things on,but all I need to do is take my t-shirt, jeans and high tops off, I was the first one in followed by Beau,James Luke and Jai and Daniel together, we all started too mess on splashing each other going crazy, when I turned my head to avoid being splashed I saw a girl sitting on the beach by herself, I came out of the sea and went over to her.

"Hey" I said

"Hey what's your name"

"My name is Sarah what's yours".

"My name's lottie and im 17"

"Same age as me and love your name"

"Thank you"

"Do you want to come and join us lottie"

"Yeah sure"

We both ran back to the boys and I introduced her.

"Boys this is lottie"

"Hey"they all choursed.

"You have a really nice name"Said Jai blushing a little.

"Aha thank you Jai"

The boys all questioned Lottie and by the time they had finshed we were all back to messing on in the water, this time playing stuck in the mud.

*2 hours later.

"Woah! im flat out"I said trying to catch my breath.

"I've had a good time with you all"Said Lottie smiling at me

"That's good"Said Beau

I gave Lottie mine and the boys phone number.

"Do you want to come back with us Lottie"I asked.

"Yeah sure why not, Im here by myself"

We grabbed all of our stuff and walked back to the car, we got in and drove home with Lottie sat next to Jai, me next to Daniel and James and Beau driving and Luke in the front.

[A/N Sorry about that bit last bit where they were all sat lmfao anyway hope you liked it please like, comment and vote.. I have been writing chapter 11,12,13 and 14 since 2 am for you all because I love you... goodbye:) Love You]

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