Chapter 19 :)

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when we got into the livingroom Jai told us we were going out so we got our coats on went out the door, we were walking for 15 mintues until we got there , it was a big studio.

"Jai what are we doing here"Lottie asked

"Wait until we get inside and you will see"

We walked in and there was a big screen and camera's; we were doing a photoshoot.

"PHOTOSHOOT WOOO"squeald keira excitedly

"yep that's right we are doing a photoshoot, I that we are now a big family we should do this to make memorys really"

"Oh cool sounds fun"I said.

The camera man introduced himself to us and I thought I knew him from somewhere his name was Jaydee and he was 18 and he said he had moved from England to Melbourne this was now ringing a bell... when we got all our phot's done I went over to Jaydee and aske him "do I know you from somewhere".

"I think I have seen you around before, what is your name"he asked softly

"My name's Sarah and like you i moved from Engalnd to Melbourne"

Wait that rings a bell, yuo are Sarah THompson My best friend freidn from secondry and coolage (A/N all of this is true Jaydee is called josh in real life and he is my best friend in secondry :D]

"Oh my gosh I remember now I moved to Melbounre when I was 16 and you said you would come and see me sometime and I told you all my dreams,and look where I am"

"I can't believe I have got my best friend back I never thought I would never see you again, I know I said I would vist but I never knew he address or anything, Im just so happy to see you again"

Jame came over to us and said "What you too talking about"

"Jaydee this is my boyfriend James"

"Nice to meet you James I've heard lot from Sarah in secondry im her bestfriend"

"Oh! nice so where do you come from"asked James getting instested

"I come from Engalnd the same as Sarah , she moved here when was 16 and I have have only just moved to come and find her to reunite"Jaydee smiling at me and James.

Everyone had came by now and asked what we were doing.

"We were ust talking to one of my bestfriends from secondry and collage"

"oh right sounds good, hey! do you want to come back with and we can grab some maccy d's on the way back"asked Luke

"Yeah sure, i'll just pack up"

After Jaydee had packed up we walked to macdonalds and orderd are food and we sat down and started to talk about Jaydee... after all the questions, we were all finshed and we walked back home 5 mintues away

When we got back we plonked ourselves in the sofa and turned the tv on, for some reason WWE was on and Jaydee jumped and shouted "come on, get in there"

I immidently said "Jaydee sit the fuck down I told you to grown when we were in year 8 (grade 8 for you america's and aussie's)

Everyone laughed and got up and went into the garden, we were all stood by the pool and Jaydee was learning over,I went over and pushed him in, he screamed and gave to the top staright away, he was a great swimmer, everyone was in stiches even Jaydee because me and him in secondry and collage thought everything was funny to us, Jaydee got out the pool and Beau went to get him a towel, and Jai shouted "Shall we have a barbe tonight" we all agreed and we got everything out the freezer and put them on the barbe.

Jaydee's POV

WOW! it has been good to be reunited with Sarah again I really missed her seen as she is my best friend we used to do loads together before she left to come here, it has always been her dream to come here and be with the janoskians and here she is with them all and some other great friends, being pushed in the pool was extra funny because we always messed about and told each other jokes and used to piss ourselves at each other im just really apy to see her agian.... my best friend.

We got the barbe started and it was 7:00pm and it was really warm all the food was cooked in 10 mintues and we all sat on cahirs and talked about shit around a campfire until 9:00pm and we went back inside and we were still talking about shit, Jaydee's laughed had not chamged at all it still was the usaual loud ear deafing laugh like mine, we did this until 12 and all went to bed, we all campe downstaris seen as no one wanted to move so we all just closed our eyes and dozed off

[A/N hope you liked it all those things about Jaydaee/Josh are ture he's my bestie in secondry , we always messone and laugh at everything and his laugh is loud and eafing just like mine and I tell him everythig about the janoskians that's why i didn't introduce them to him because he already knew anyway :D love you :) Jamie Leigh xxxxxx]

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