Chapter 13 :)

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*10 weeks later(If that 10 weeks later dosen't make sense then it's because I want Sarah to get her cast off so she can run around and pennyboard and crap... ANYWAY)

I got woken up by a knock on the door,I pulled myself out of the bed carefully trying not to wake James,I looked in the mirror and stood there for a second, 'UGH! bed head just what i need' I thought and went over to the door and opened it to Gina.

"Oh hey Gina"

"Hey darl, Nice hair"

"Aha thanks Gina"

"Im just popping out for a while, I have put your tablet on the table for you with a glass of water so you can take it when you go down and I have made you all breakfast as well can you tell the boys when they back from the store please"

"Yeah sure I can and thank you Gina I love you loads"I said smiling

"Love you too Sarah, see you soon"

"Bye see ya"

I closed the door and went over to James ans shook him softly to wake him up, James eyes started to flicker and him turned over to him.

"Good morning" I said planting a kiss on his check

"Morning"James said smiling, he looked at and said, "nice hair Sarah you look sexy".

"Ahah thanks Gina told me that too"I said laughing

I went over to the mirror and grabbed my brush and went through my hair to make it look better.

"I'll be back inn a mintue im just going in the shower"I announuced to James.

James nodded and I went into the bathroom and got into the shower, whe I got out I put on a purple vest top with some short shorts with my purple high top and snapback, as soon as I came out of the bathroom Beau,Luke and Jai came through the font door.

"Were home"shouted luke forgetting that people might still be asleep.

I went to the top of the stiars while James got up to get ready.

"Hey"I shouted back

"Oh hey Sarah didn't know you were up"

I laughed and made my way downstairs and waited for James.

"Jai stop it you are annoying me"Beau screamed

"NO It is fun"

"Yeah but why are you flicking him"I asked

"To be honset I don't know good question"said Jai laughing.

James came down and asked what we were doing today.

"We are going to go to the beach and going to check if sarah's legs alright today James what do you think"Said/asked Beau.

"Yeah sounds great".

I went back upstairs and routed through my wardrobe and got my bikini and routed to the bottom to find myblack pilot sunglasses and my purple ran bans,and went into the bathroom and put my bikini underneath my clothes to save time and went back into my room and got my Janoskians towel and pennyboard and went back downstairs.

"Ready" I shouted halfway down the stairs.

"Lets go"said Luke getting up and walking to the door.

When I got down the stairs I went out th door and went to the car, we all got in and throw everything into the boot and began to set off.

[A/N well ther you go another chapter really hoping you like the story :) Likes,Comments and Votes please :)]

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