Chapter 3

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The sound of the locks on my door twisting had woken me up. I flapped my eyelids open trying to understand where i was. After adjusting my eye sight or the better part of it i sat up straight.

I must've fallen asleep on the couch. I tried to remember last night. Unfortunately I just remember waking up and leaving for the bar, everything else seemed like a blur. I looked left and right for my glasses as someone walked in.

"Looking for these?" A blonde figure said waving my glasses. I didn't have to guess who it was, her voice gave it away. I smiled and walked towards her getting my glasses from her hands and putting them on. She hugged me as she chuckled then let me go. She pushed a few strands of my hair behind my ear.

Why did that feel so oddly familiar? Like it somehow happened just a few minutes ago. Talk about déjà u.

"Al you okay?" She said once we sat down on the couch. "I texted you last night but you didn't answer and i got worried."

"Oh umm sorry pipes last night was kind of a big question mark." I said shaking my head then regretting it because i instantly felt a huge amount of pain scratch the surface of my head. I held my head trying to sooth it.

"Oh my god Alex did you get drunk again?" She asked me as she took my hands away from my head trying to force me to stop squinting my eyes and look at her.

"Probably." I said trying to look at her but my eyes keep squeezing themselves shut once they felt any type of pain.

My brain was finding it difficult to stop the pain for 2 reasons. 1) because of my huge hungover and 2) because of her sitting right next to me thinking it's okay to talk about what she was talking about in her text.

I can't stand the fact that she's getting married or much less engaged. I don't want to believe it but it's true and I can't pull myself to say it to her face. I don't want to be there watching her love the piece of shit she picked over me.

I don't know what dragged me towards Piper, she wasn't what usually caught my attention but you know when you see something new you can't help but get curious and want it.

For a while i had her. Till she met him. He was her shinny new thing and i became one of the old used scrap metals.

I would've just left her be like all the other girlfriends i've had but she was different and i loved her differently i loved her too much to lose her completely. So now we are friends. And it looks like i'll be friend-zoned for life.

She got up from beside me and made me a cup of coffee. She gave it to me and sat beside me as i took a sip of the coffee, she rubbed my back and i drank slow sips. It was comforting but it was also hurting because she was doing this as a friend.

"You need to stop this habit of yours Al." She said concerned. I can't stop this much like i can't stop loving you. I said to myself.

"I'm fine" i said getting up. These little actions of hers driving me even more insane. I need her to leave.

"Al you are not fine." She said looking at me. I looked at her but couldn't bare to answer anything. Actually i couldn't come up with an effective lie.

"Piper i'm actually really busy, i've got like a bunch of papers to grade." I said after many much more failed attempts of lying mentally to myself. She sighed buying it. She stood up and forced a smile.

"I'll see you around then." She said walking towards me and kissing my cheek goodbye the friendly way. I held my breath in and closed my eyes as she let go and walked out. I sighed and put the cup down on my kitchen table.

I pushed my hair back as i bit my lip forcing my tears to not fall. I sighed heavily holding my tears perfectly in check until i heard something fumble in my bedroom.

"Hello?" I called out but nothing answered yet i still heard sounds of footsteps. I rushed to a drawer in the kitchen and pulled out a knife. I walked towards my room slowly, making sure my footsteps weren't hearable.

I rushed in only to be greeted with a face i did not expect completely. She froze once she saw what was in my hands.

"You really don't need that to get me out." She said looking at the knife then back at me.

"Demi?" I asked in question.

"Right you don't remember." She said sighing. I saw her getting her shoes on and my bed behind her quiet a mess, the first thought to come to my head was the last thing I'd expect to do. But i was drunk last night and it was the only thing that came to my mind to fill the blanks on my night.

"Oh my god did we-" she cut me of before i even finished my sentence.

"God no! No!" She said defending herself. "I mean you are hot and all but No." She said leaving us in awkward silence. After a few seconds i managed to break the silence.

"Then why are you here? In my bedroom?" I asked. She walked closer to me as she tried to tidy her messy waved short hair.

"Umm you were drunk last night and I was by your car umm we can lose the gory details basically i drove you home and by the time we got here you passed out so i carried you here i was gonna take you to your bedroom but the couch was closer and then i realized I don't have a ride back to my place so i thought it'd be cool if i crashed here." She said.

i was trying to comprehend everything she had just explained to me. Regretting ever thinking that we might have slept together. She's my student for crying out loud and i despise her but i'm still in shock for what she did for me. Why do that for someone you barley know. It can't be just an act of kindness no such thing is found these days, there's always a catch.

"Thank you i guess" i said breaking the awkward silence tension rising. She smiled like she always dose. That sly side smirk smile.

"No thanks needed. Besides i should be thanking you for letting me stay the night." She said then bit her lip. "Then again you didn't really know." I didn't really know what i was suppose to do or say.

"So i'll see you on tomorrow?" She questioned and i zoned out for a bit. why would i see her tomorrow?

"tomorrow?" i questioned she chuckled and shook her head.

"In Uni remember? you teach butt heads like me." she said and i finally caught on to reality. It was Wednesday tomorrow. She slightly laughed at my confused state of mind and tucked back a strand of my hair behind my ear. Why dose everyone keep doing that?

"Bye Vause." she said and as simple as that she was out my door. I pinched myself trying to focus and get my brain to acknowledge if this was real or just a dream. i could say that this was by far the most confusing awful start to a new morning.

It would be really cool if ya'll told me what you think of this story so i can post the rest.

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