Chapter 13

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The next few days i had spent them clearing my mind. Demi came every once in a while as well to check on me. I told her about Piper the other day and she just kept visiting me ever since the same time everyday 5pm after her swimming classes. She wanted to make sure i was okay and she was there whenever i "eventually break down" like she always tells me.

I got to know her more as well. I took the time to know her. I even took note of the little things Like how she liked her coffee hard and strong or how she liked to sleep on her right side and have to cuddle something. I also noticed how she always squinted when she couldn't know how to work something, it was one of the most adorable things i've seen. She also almost always bit her lip whenever she was nervous.

For the past 5 days she had been visiting me she always crashed out on my couch, her swimming classes drained all the energy out of her and i knew how roughly she trained herself. Yet even with all that tiredness she made sure to stop by my place.

Even with all these things happening we still haven't settled down yet. We were still "just friends" of course i knew better than that. She wasn't just a friend to me. She was the only girl that i fell for after Piper. The only person i let in and i'm glad it was her.


I was grading some papers when i heard my door being unlocked. It was Demi. I told her where i had hid my extra key and ever since then she'd been using it. She walked in with a smile. I smiled at her. She placed her duffle bag on the floor and came towards me she sat down on the floor between my couch and the coffee table with me.

"Hey how are you feeling?" She asked me smiling. I smiled at her and then looked back at the papers i was grading.

"You know. Fine" i said and checked a paper then looked at her. "You?"

"Exhausted." She breathed out. I chuckled.

"Hard swim practice?" I questioned and she nodded. Then we heard her stomach grumble. I laughed as she held her stomach and bit her lip. "When have you last eaten?" I asked.

"I don't even remember." She said chuckling and blushing. It became such a casual thing she always forgot to feed herself. I picked up my phone.

"Chines or Italian?" I asked, her face lit up.

"Italian i'm gunning for a really good pizza." She said without any doubts. I chuckled I enjoyed her company so much. I would've broken down by now without her. She filled that black void that existed when Piper dumped me.

I smiled and got up to get my money as I called PizzaHut. I ordered a large Pepperoni Pizza knowing it's her favorite that or full on Chines food, she enjoyed stuffing herself after a good swim and i enjoyed watching her stuff herself. I came back from my room counting my money.

"I ordered Pepperoni with cheese curst just the way you like it." I said still not looking up but when i did my heart sank down to my stomach. I saw a wrapped box on the table and Demi lighting a candle that was on a cupcake. She smiled once she saw me. There were five cupcakes each one had a word on top of it.

"First i wanna say Happy Birthday." She said smiling as she walked to me and hugged me. I had completely forgotten what the date was. I completely zoned out. She kissed my cheek once she let me go.

"Demi I-" she cut me off while she raised her finger up shushing me.

"I have something i wanna ask you first, i've never asked anyone this question before and i didn't really know how to do it so.." She said as she pulled me closer to the table to read what's on the cupcakes.

"Will U B My GF?"

I chuckled blushing. I smiled so big my cheeks hurt. She smiled looking at me. She rubbed the back of her neck.

"I would've written the whole word but the cupcakes were too tiny." She said explaining the awful spelling which i found completely adorable. "So?" She said looking at me biting her lower lip. I walked closer to her and placed my hands firmly on her waist, she stared down at my hands as they snake around her waist. I take one of my hands away and raise her chin up to look at me.

"Yes." I whispered, she smiled big as she looked into my eyes. I chuckled and leaned in.

I kissed her lips gently. She wrapped her arms around my neck getting on her toes. She smiled through the kiss as she deepened it, i held on to her waist pulling her closer, she pulled me lower until her tired feet touched the ground.

I happened to like that i had to bend to reach her length. I liked that when i would hug her, she'd get to hear my heart beat. I liked her, all of her. I liked how her brown eyes always found a way to pierce right through me. I liked that she was tattooed on my heart.

She broke of our kiss for some air. She smiled as she rested her head against my forehead. I have never smiled so much in my entire life. She made me feel like i was a teenager again. Like life somehow still didn't pass me by. She gave me one long kiss pulling me even closer to her before she let me go and pulled me to sit down on the floor next to her.

She lifted the wrapped box she had given me. It looked quiet heavy. She placed it in front of me. She looked into my eyes while she smiled.

"Open it." She said biting her bottom lip as i started to unwrap the gift. My eyes instantly stunned at what it had laid it's sight on.

"Oh my god." I whispered. She chuckled.

"I see how much you love books" she said as she tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear she waited till i looked at her so she could talk again. "Maybe one day you'll write one." She smiled at me. I could not comprehend to find any words to say. She bought me an old typewriter with my name engraved at the bottom.

I leaned in and pecked her perfect supple lips as they smile against mine. I kissed her cheek and I felt her giggle escape her mouth. I chuckled at how cute she was.

I could possibly be the luckiest person on the planet. She has me completely blinded, all i see is her. She's more than i ever imagined she could've been in my wildest dreams. I honestly feel like I am in a different world entirely when i'm with her.

She's gotten under my thick skin. She's gotten so far into me, i can not imagine a life without her. Am I falling in love with her? I think i am and i have no control over wherever my feelings are taking me.

The sound of knocks on my door, interrupted our moment. I looked away from her for a second looking at the door and my pocket to make sure the money was in it.

"It's probably the Pizza." I said smiling and kissed her cheek before getting up to get it. As I expected it was the Pizza I paid the delivery guy and walked back to place the Pizza on the coffee table.

"God that smells so good." She said as she sniffed the Pizza once she opened the box.

She was on her knees at this point pulling a piece of Pizza, the mozzarella cheese becoming a long string. I laughed slightly as she struggled to get it cut. I got on my knees behind her. And kissed the back of her neck. I could feel her smile. I placed my chin on her shoulder as i helped her with the pizza. She kissed my cheek, she let her lips linger on them for a long while.

I could honestly say today is the best day of my entire existence. The way she's got me feeling drove me insane. The type of insane you saw in movies and I loved how insanely good it felt.

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