Chapter 8

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I woke up when i felt the sunlight hit the surface of my face. My eyes fluttered open. I sit up straight my back feeling completely sore, my neck sore as well. I had spent the night on the floor, i leaned my back against my coffee table, my neck dangled all throughout the night but it was worth it. I felt an obligation to stay and watch over her.

Just in case she had a nightmare or a bad traumatizing memory get to her, even if she just needed little things as a glass of water or just a hand to hold i could be easily accessed. she had her back towards me, my shirt was a little too big for her, it exposed much of her back. I kept starring at the intriguing Tattoo she had, I kept wondering what could the second word possibly mean. She switched sides and i got the view of her peaceful resting face. I smiled slightly.

She was really beautiful and i finally took the time to actually see that. Her hair just till her chin, her chin had that perfect butt-chin it actually made her smile much prettier. Her lips shaped so wonderfully accurate, her bottom lip just a little plumper than her top lip. Her eyebrows were equally apart from each other and they were neither too fat or too thin they were just right. I finally understand why everyone wants her so much. She was beautiful too beautiful for most people.

I got of the floor gently and took soft steps towards my kitchen. I took my time to make two cups of hot chocolate. With the way she showed up last night, she must've been freezing out of her mind and she might probably wake up freezing. It terrified me how unbelievably no where near under control i am with the way i'm starting to feel about her. It's like i don't just care about her. I have to be the one to make her feel better, fix whatever's broken. I was pouring the glass of hot chocolate when she walked in.

"Morning." she said and smiled softly as she rubbed her arms up and down. I gestured for her to sit on the small kitchen table I owned. She sat down and i gave her the cup of hot chocolate  placing it in front of her as I placed mine in front of me. She smiled and took the cup of chocolate, she held it in her hands for quiet some time. "it's been a while since i had an actual hot chocolate i didn't have to wait in a Que. and pay for." She held the mug closer to her and took a sip. I smiled for her and took a sip from my own cup.

"I'm sorry for just showing up in the middle of the night like i did last night. I didn't really know where else to go. I hope i didn't bother you." She said smiling.

"you didn't bother me." i said honestly. She smiled blushing slightly.

"Thank you" she said looking at me "for last night, and what you did with my dad. I owe you." she said sensibly.

"You don't owe me anything." i said, her smile growing by the minute.

"I owe you everything." she said before taking another sip from her cup. She made me smile. It's been forever since someone other than Piper made me smile. The rest of the few minutes consisted of smiles and simple talk. I was trying to get her mind of last night actually i was trying to get my mind of last night. After she took her last sip she put her cup down and looked at me. Her brown eyes piercing at my heart.

"I know you've done a lot for me but can i ask you for one more favor?" she asked with a hopeful look. I looked at the clock and saw that it was still early I could probably do a few things before going to work.

"ya what do you need?" I asked waiting for her question in anticipation.

"could you drop me of at the swimming hall?" she asked. I smiled and nodded.

"ya I can but we have to leave now." i said and she smiled and got up from her chair and hugged me quickly. I was surprised at first but i liked the feeling it gave me the warmth i felt when her arms wrapped around me was heart warming.

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