Chapter 11

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Her lips were so soft. I liked the way it felt on mine. So supple and plump, so different than Pipers. I pulled away after a minute starring at them then at her. It was like her breath got caught somewhere and she needed to breath. I found myself completely hypnotized. Gasping for air myself. Then i suddenly felt two hands on my cheeks pulling me closer to her lips.

She had kissed me, this time the kiss harder, it wasn't just her showing me how she wanted to be kissed no she was kissing me because she wanted to and I didn't stop her because i wanted her to kiss me. I felt her lips detach from mine shortly to catch her breath again. I didn't want to lose connection yet. She leaned her forehead on mine, her eyes closed. One of her hands slide down to my shirt grabbing it tight.

"Kiss me again." She whispered after she collected herself. I placed my hand on her cheek and leaned in i made sure it was slow and suspenseful just the way she'd like it.

I placed my lips against hers and kissed her so gently, i assume she needed a little gentle in her life after seeing the way her family treated her. She longed for that gentle and i was her gentle escape. I felt her hand dig through my hair pushing my lips closer to hers. I'd never felt a kiss this good before, she was right the tension and suspense makes it all the better. I pulled away after i felt i had a shortage of breath. She smiled, i couldn't help but smile as well. Her grip on my shirt loosened. She bit her lip i made a little distance between us to see her gorgeous eyes.

"You are my favorite kiss.." She said, i felt my heart beat faster. I was freaking out on the inside, i couldn't control the smile that grew on my lips. I wanted to say something but i was so caught up in that kiss to think of anything to say. "I.." She began and then looked at the ground her cheeks blushing as she finished her sentence. "I think i'm falling for you." She said surprising me.

Again i caught myself speechless. I had no words to describe the things i was feeling now.

"I've never felt this feeling towards anyone, even when i was with people i never felt anything other than lust but with you.." She looked at me her blush glowed. "I don't know what you do to me." She said with a confused look.

"I think i like you to." I managed to whisper, she smiled then looked a bit sad for a second.

"I'm not your rebound girl am i?" She asked me. I placed my glasses back on my nose and really looked at her. "I mean i know i'm not naive enough to think i can replace her but-" i cut her before she could even finish her sentence.

"You can never replace her." I said and she looked sad, "because-" i said slowly as I lifted her chin up looking at her. "The way i feel for you reached to a level i still don't understand, and it definitely surpasses what i've been feeling for her otherwise i wouldn't even be here." I said admitting it to myself and to her. I was moving on and it's time I admit it.

She smiled and snaked her hand towards mine, holding it. I stared at our hands and soon intertwined our fingers together. She looked at me.

"This is so crazy." She breathed out. I chuckled.

"Life is made in the crazy." I said she giggled.

"Stay the night." She whispered to me. I looked at her and smiled.

"I'll stay." She smiled bigger. "I need to borrow something though." I said and she got up unlocking our hands.

"I have lots of things you can borrow and keep." She said walking to her cupboard which was quiet big. She pulled an oversized shirt and gave it to me. I took it from her. "The bathroom is there. I can set a movie up for us while your changing." She said and i nodded.

I walked to the bathroom. I closed the door and changed into her shirt. I smiled, thinking about the kiss and how much the shirt smells like her. I'm falling for her which is crazy. I've only really known her for a handful of days. She's got me so under her control i don't want to fall from it.

I got out of the bathroom and like she said she prepared a movie for us. She climbed into her bed as did i. Her bed was big enough for 5 people if not 6. She tapped the bed beside her. I sat next to her.

"What's the movie?" I asked her.

"You'll see." She said smirking. And then hit play on the remote control she held. The movie turned out to be The Fault In Our Stars. We have been watching in peace for the past 30 minutes till she asked me something in between the scenes.

"Can i ask you something?" She said. I looked away from the screen and at her i nodded. She straightened herself from her sloppy position. "How come you ended up being a professor teaching something you don't seem completely interested in?"

"I did find it interesting in the beginning but then i realized psychology are just a bunch of theories. You can never truly know someone by their actions. You can't judge  what's in the book by it's cover." I said mainly telling myself about how wrong i was to judge Demi the way i did. She just smiled.

"You're incredible you know?" She said i found myself blushing. A few minutes passed and we spent them starring at one another. I could not get over her beauty or that kiss or what she told me.

I could not get over her period. She had an unbelievable effect on me. I used to think Piper had the strongest effect on me but turns out i'm wrong. Turns out i was wrong about a lot of things.

She is a women i never thought i'd encounter. She was such light, it amazed me how she could keep herself so in check when everything around her fell apart. I couldn't keep my anger in when Piper left me the way she did to marry someone else.

But her with her father being as demanding as he was and her brother so abusive and the recent knowledge i got about her mother, she still pulled it together. I had never seen her not once have i seen her get angry at anyone. Or question anything that happens to her. It was almost like it was all so unreal.

"How you can be the way you are when you've had such terrible things thrown at you amazes me..." I whispered aloud not realizing it until she sent me a blushed smile. Her lips quivered as she tried to say something.

"As cliché as it sounds.." She started of playing with my fingers and looking at it as we lay face to face. "I believe everything happens for a reason." She said then looked up at me. "Even the bad people in your life have reason to be in it, whether it's to teach you how to let go of someone or how to stay strong there's always a reason." She said as her eyes switched from left to right starring into mine.

She overtook me with her wisdom. She looked at things in ways you'd never think of looking at them. Just like she stayed strong in ways you'd never believe. She was something that was so unique you'd always be on your toes afraid of losing her.

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