Chapter 5

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Today was supposed to be the day I find me a dress for Piper's wedding which i undoubtedly regret about going to. It's 10:30am and Piper had no problem blowing up my phone begging for me to go out with her to find a good dress for her wedding. she had bought herself a beautiful wedding dress just a few weeks back and helping her pick it out was probably one of the hardest moments in my life.

Watching her smile and be happy because she's getting married to someone who's not me kills me. Yet i still can't find a way to get her out of my miserable life or whats left of it. I really thought she was my other half. How heart ranching it is finding out that i was the wrong puzzle piece.

I put my jacket on after i heard keys giggling through my doors key whole. I knew who it was immediately because no one else but Piper knows where my spare key was kept. I smiled as she got in. Even though i hated what we were going out for i could never hate seeing her face. She unlike me looked extremely happy and excited.

"Lets go lets go!!" She said clapping her hands together then tugging at my jacket her dimples piercing in her cheeks. I love how refreshing her smile is. I followed her to her car. We drove to a shopping mall and she dragged me to her favorite store.

It was quiet an expensive store but they did sell many precious things that some people may say are worth it. Once we got in Piper dragged me to the corner where the late night dresses hung. She began digging through the hangers and i just watched her casually joining her in the hunt of finding a pretty enough dress for me and for a second i forgot what we were getting the dress for till we got to the fitting rooms.

I was trying on my cloths and i was coming out with the 5th dress. She smiled then chuckled slightly as she rubbed her face like she splashed water on it. She smiled looking at the ground.

"I can't believe i'm getting married in a week." She breathed out happily my smile disappearing easily.

"I can't believe it either." I said in the most saddest voice i ever heard myself talk with. When she lifted her head up she smiled at me and i managed to quickly fix my sad expression to a fully forced excited smile. She looked at me up to down.

"Not quiet right" she said talking about my dress. "I'll look for more dresses on this side" she said going left. I nodded and went back into the fitting room. I took the dress of putting back my own clothes.

Is she really that blind to not see my love for her or am i just a really good actor. I have never tried so hard to not love someone. She was the first girl i actually fell for and the first girl to actually reject and break me. Yet i'm still reaching out for her from the ground that i crashed so hard onto when she told me she was getting married.

I took the dresses and gave it to the lady working by the fitting room. I looked left and right hoping to find the familiar blonde figure but i couldn't catch a glimpse of her from where i was standing.

I decided to take the opposite direction from where she went. I walked left and began to look through the rack of clothes when i heard a voice that sounded so familiar. I peeked a little from behind the rack.

"Dad i'm not going. I have a race tomorrow." She said her arms crossed over her chest. She had an angry pissed of look on her face, looking straight at the man in front of her.

"You are going and you are going to find a respectable dress and you are going to be respectful and smile like the girl you should be. You are already a disgrace to this family." He said and she chuckled an angry chuckle.

"Disgrace?!" She laughed angrily. "Dad i'm captain of the swim team, i have like 4 guys pinning over me to be my manager, i'm working my ass of at the events you throw on to me making you look good and i'm the only one who actually has the time and decency to go visit mom every weekend unlike you working your hands over this new young slutty whore you replace mom with" she spat at him.

His once calm face turning red and angry. He grabbed her wrist pulling her towards him. A gasp of pain escaped her lips but she kept herself quiet and duck her head down. She was once so fierce but now she's like a flying bird that's been caught in a net and all her strength fighting to get out of the net has begun to vanish.

"Demetria you are going to this god damned party like a pretty nice girl. I did not raise a wanna be fish for my daughter." He spat in her face and let her go. She collected herself then whispered something.

"You didn't even raise me." She said probably hoping he didn't hear her. But a few seconds later i heard and saw something that surprised me. He slapped her across the face. She held her cheek, her body was shaking.

She lifted her eyes and they met mine. Her eyes were so red i'd never seen them like that before. She was always the happy sly badass bitch that i despise. I couldn't help but feel disgusted with myself. I always had one rule. Never hit a girl. I rushed towards them.

"What the hell?!" I said and held on to Demi. She seemed scared.

"Can i help you?" He said anger still pouring out of him.

"You can't hit a girl like that and get away with it much less your daughter!" I yelled anger in me rising. I felt Demi's arms that were around my waist tightening. She wasn't just scared, she was terrified.

"You don't tell me what i can and can't do to my daughter that's my choice, now come on Demi." He said but she held on to me tighter. I felt like i had the right to hold her hand to. I tried to calm her down. Which seemed to be working because her shaking began to cool down.

"I could get you arrested what i just saw the was child abuse! i could get you sentenced for years." I said he only seemed angrier.

"Demi come here right now!" he yelled, she began to shake again but held it all and slowly let go of me. I looked at her and watched as her hands slipped away from mine. She gave me the "i'm gonna be fine" look and simply walked away. i couldn't help but have to stop her. i held her wrist softy.

"Demi you shouldn't go" i said she looked at my hand then up at me and smiled sadly.

"i'm gonna be fine" she whispered.

"Demetria NOW!" he yelled. i have no idea why but i felt like launching at him. Even though i despised her most of the time she never deserved that. I don't know much about her but no one deserves being abused. My hands automatically clench into fists and i'm about to launch myself at him when i felt a pair of hands hold mine together.

"Alex" she whispered. I looked behind me and it was Piper. She had a sad look on her face to. i don't know if she was there this whole time but her expression gave me a yes. By the time i turned to look at Demi she had walked of with her father. Her head down as she walked behind him she rubbed gently over her cheek.

At this moment i felt so bad for despising her. i felt so bad for ever thinking bad of her. I felt Pipers hands rub my back trying to comfort me.

"Alex she'll be fine" she said and i finally looked away from Demi to look at Piper's sympathetic smile. i smiled back she normally comforted me more than this but something just felt off. She tried to comfort me some more and whispered things like "it's okay" "Everything will be alright" "don't worry" like i was the one who was slapped in front of everyone by my father.

i couldn't stop thinking about how traumatizing it must be. I couldn't stop thinking of the what if's or what else has he done to her. Because she was much more calmer than she should've been like she was used to it. The thought of her being used to this kind of treatment scarred me but what scarred me more was the disappearance of that once fierce look on her face to the look of a lost child in a jungle.

Felt like i owed ya'll two chapters today hope you like my update tell me if you like it i'd sure love to know your thoughts any comments votes are truly appreciated.

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