Chapter 14

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The next few nights have been amazing. Demi slept over most of the nights and I loved the company i had in my bed. I loved the warmth her arms gave me when they wrapped around me. I loved the comfort and safety her eyes gave me. Her company in on its own made me feel so whole.

It was too good to be reality. I pinched myself so many times thinking it must be a dream. Only it wasn't this was really happening i for once had a girlfriend that liked me just as much as i liked her.

And she was gorgeous, beautiful to the point that was unexplainable and unbelievable. She could catch you of guard with whatever way she looked, whether she was all tidied up with make up or just messy like she just woke up. She was beautiful all around.


I looked at my clocked checking the time it was 5:30pm and Demi still didn't show up. I felt my heart skip beats. I was missing her. What if she's tired of me? But she couldn't be we've only been together for a couple of days. 6 days to be exact, but who's counting.

Before my mind could wander i heard the locks of my door twist and turn it was her, I smiled as she entered. She smiled at me. My once fiercely beating heart calmed down and all the insecurity i felt vanished in a matter of mere seconds.

"Hey Al." She said as i walked towards her, she wrapped her arms around my shoulder as i wrapped it around her waist i gave her a soft peck.

"Hey babe" i said, she smiled at me. "How was swimming?"

"We did double rounds today, and I passed my records twice." She said with a smirk. "I think it was enough to blow the critics minds away." I chuckled at her adorable confidence.

"Just them looking at you would blow their minds away." I said smirking she blushed and i kissed her cheek making her cheeks blush even more. After looking to my eyes for a few seconds she slide her hands down to my shirt grabbing it's edges.

"I wanna take you somewhere today." She said, looking into my eyes. I instantly felt curiosity rush through me as i thought of where we could possibly be going to but it was hopeless one of Demi's best qualities was suspiring the shit out of me. Surpassing anything i could ever think of.

"I'll go anywhere you want me to go." I said which caused her to giggle.

"good because you are gonna need to change into a swim suit." She said smirking, i had my confused face on. "I won't drown you." She said chuckling then kissed my lips. "Get changed and i'll see you downstairs." She said then left. This girl is going to drive me crazy. I told myself shaking my head. Only she was already driving me completely insane. The type of insane you'd want to be.

I went through my closet and wore my black bikini. I wore a grey oversized shirt over it and took a cross bag i put my phone and keys in it. I tied my hair into a pony tail i wore a hat and brought sunglasses just in case i needed them and i made my way downstairs. I put my sunglasses on once i stepped out of my apartment.

My mouth dropped open to the ground once i saw Demi standing by a limo waiting for me. She smirked and made her way towards me she grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the limo. The driver closed the door on us, she whispered something to the driver as soon as he got into the car. He nodded in response to her whispers.

"Thank you." She told him then looked at me. She rolled her eyes once she saw my confused face again which happen to get used to by now. She kissed my cheek. "Relax you know i won't hurt you." She said smiling. I smiled at her. I couldn't not smile at her, she had that effect on me. That type of effect that controlled everything you do.

The ride to wherever we were going was long, and at some point both me and Demi fell asleep. I nagged to know the location we were heading to but she refused to tell me, she just smirked more telling me it was a surprise. She never ceases to surprise me. Every time i think she could not amaze me more she proves me wrong.

I woke up once the limo slowed down. I shook Demi slowly waking her up to. She lifted her head slowly from my shoulder.

"I think we are here." I said acknowledging the slowness of the limo. she looked outside the window once the limo stopped she smiled.

"Yes we are." She said and stretched her hands over me reaching for the door opening the door before the driver could come and open it. I got out she quickly climbed out pulling me inside a gate way. She pulled me more till we reached in front of a shed. "Here we are." She said looking at me smiling, "come on i need you to help me with something." She said pulling me inside then let me go as she walked towards something that was covered.

She pulled the white cover off revealing a very expensive looking Jet Ski. It was blue in color it looked really inviting but i don't know even the first rule about jet Skiing. She tapped it then looked at me.

"Don't tell me we are riding that." I said pointing towards the Jet Ski.

"I'd be lying if i said that." She Said smirking. "Come on help me push it out." She said as she pulled the handle of the tow bar moving it slightly i went to help her quickly before she broke a bone from her gorgeous body. we managed to pull it to the water. She smiled at our accomplishment.

"Tell me you know how to drive this thing." I said feeling a little nervous about climbing on it.

"Relax babe the ocean is my best friend anything that has to do with water you can guarantee i'm a pro at." She said and kissed my cheek. "Now come on strip." She said with a smirk as she took her shirt of reveling a green neon bikini bra. She took her shorts of reveling the same color bikini bottoms.

My eyes could not stop traveling her body. The way it was curvy and perfect blew my mind. She blew my mind. Her athletic body drove me insane in many ways. The lust for her body grew increasingly strong ever since we kissed, i want to feel her flesh tremble under my simple touch. She pulled out two life jackets from the inside of the Jet Ski's seat she wore one and gave me one as She climbed on top of the Jet Ski waiting for me. I took my shirt of and climbed behind her. Putting on my life jacket. She smirked.

"Nice swim suit." She said smirking. Then started the Jet Ski. "Hold me tight." She said and i wrapped my arms around her waist and before i knew it we were moving on the water and the deeper we went the faster she went. "Hold on!" She yelled before she began to move faster.

I grabbed her tightly as she drove the Jet Ski in incredible speed. My hair flew as well as hers did. The feeling was so exhilarating and intoxicatingly incredible. My heart beat pumped so fast, with ever turn she took my arms automatically tighten around her waist. I hear her faint laugh as she feels my grip on her tighten. This was the beginning of an incredible night.

She slowed down the Jet Ski then looked behind her only to see me crouched up against her back. My face almost digging into her life jacket. She laughed.

"You okay there?" She questioned i nodded and she chuckled. "Well you gotta hold tight now. I see a wave coming." She said with a smirk then turned the Jet ski around.

"What?!" I said feeling a bit terrified. She laughed as she moved full speed to reach the shore, my hands hurt from how tight i gripped her waist. This girl was as rebellious as my wildest dreams and i loved it.

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