Twelve : Tessa

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"Why was the party so far out?" I moan, my legs killing me.

"So the cops wouldn't catch a bunch of pot-heads and under-aged drinkers," Noah says matter-of-factly.

"And how did that turn out?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Terrible," he laughs.

We walk in silence until Noah speaks up. "So why have we never talked before, I enjoy your company."

I blush,"I don't know, I don't like meeting people, I guess."

"Yeah, I always wanted to ask, why did you move to that all girls school for a couple years." At this, I stop walking. He turns around. "What?"

I shake my head,"Just wanted to get away, boarding school was a great solution."




I could tell she was lying. I don't know exactly how I could tell, but I could. The way she froze, the look on her eyes. Like I could see right through her.

"Thank god!" Tessa smiles, motioning to a bus station. I smile as well, my legs felt as if they were going to collapse under me.

We rush to the station, I grab the pay phone and dial Aaron's number.

He picks up after three rings. "Hello?" His Russian accent greets me.

"Hey, I need you to pick me up at some bus station."

"You do realize you're at a fucking bus station. Why can't you just ride the bus?"

"Because I'm out of cash and all the busses are gone for the day, terrible service."

"A motel room? So you got to Theresa Blackwell. Nice job, I always doubted you." I can practically hear his smirk.

"Ha ha. Now come one, pick us up."

He groans,"I'm on my way." I hang up and turn to Tessa, she is on the phone too.

After she hangs up she turns to me. "My parents," she explains and I nod.

"So, should we get on a bus?"

I motion to the digital sign. All the busses we gone for the day. I'm not sure what kind of bus company does this, but it was pretty pathetic.

"Ugh," she sits on an old wooden bench. I join her, our thighs touching. She quickly moves away from my touch.


Aaron's BMW pulls in front of the bench Tessa and I were sitting upon.

"Finally," I grunt and get up, helping Tessa up as well.

"Sorry I took so long. Tacos?" Aaron motions to a box filled with tacos. I smile and open the back-seat door for Tessa.

I climb in the front and Aaron motions his pointer finger going into his other finger that is shaped like a circle. I scoff and punch him in the arm.



Monday came too fast. When I walked out of my room, my legs felt as if they were gonna collapse under me. Great.

School wasn't fun either. So when lunch came, I was very happy. I sat down, plugged in my earphones, opened The 100 by Kass Morgan and relaxed. For about ten seconds.

"Hey," Vanessa sits down, her dark fingers taking my phone and pausing The 1975. I groan.

"Sometimes, I wish I had never met you," I say. "My legs wouldn't feel like shit, and I would be able to read and listen to music during lunch instead of talking."

She gives me a pouty face. "That sucks, which reminds me of us, we are going to the movies tonight," she smiles excitedly.

"What time and what movie?" I say, still reading.

"Midnight, and some new horror movie," she claps her hands.

"Midnight?" I raise an eyebrow. I've never been to a midnight show.

"It'll be great, hot guys, hot girls if you're interested."

I laugh. "I'm not gay."

"I won't judge."

"Well, you won't because I'm not gay," I say, plugging in my earphones. Only to have Vanessa take them out again.

"Well?" She looks at me expectedly.

"Whatever, but if there are clowns, I'm leaving the theater."

"Sweet, and by the way, Aaron and Noah are coming," she says, like its nothing.

"You're inviting the guy you had a one night stand with and the guy I slept with?" I drop my fork, which contained salad.

"Sure," she picks up my fork from my plate and eats my salad.



"Absolutely not."

"You're going, and I will knock you out this time," she raises an eyebrow.

"And I will lock my door," I raise one too, challenging her.

"You have a window, and I'm positive your parents would love to give a key to their daughter's only friend!" She smiles, and I knew she was right.

"Fine." I cross my arms.


"How was your day, Tessa?" Dr. McCarthy smiles. "Or should I say, the day you slept over at a friends?"

I scoff,"Of course my parents told you."

"Well, would you have?" His black eyes stare me down.

"No." I cross my arms.

"Then they were right to do so," he leans forward. "So, who is this new friend?"

"Vanessa," I squirm under his gaze.

"What's she like?"

"Outgoing, convincing, fun, everything I'm not," I look at him.

"She seems good for you, it is your senior year."

"I'm aware," I say.

"So, any boys?" He questions. At this, I freeze. "Ah, so who is he?"

"No one, why would you think that?"

"Because the way your eyes got big, and your body tensed," he laughs.

I scoff,"No one. Just slept with someone, but not slept with him."

"So how exactly did you spend the night at a friend's house, but not sleep with her in the same room?"


"Ah, you were at a party," he looks up from his clipboard, surprised.

Then I knew I had to tell him everything.

After I did tell him everything he was shocked. "He likes you," he smiled.

"What? No, I've only talked to him for like one day," I scoff.

"When will you see him again?"


"Soon, I'm gonna guess?"

I nod.

"When, exactly?"

"Tonight," I mumble.

He smiles, a slow smile that reached his ears. "A date."

"It's not a date," I cross my arms, and don't talk for the rest of the session. Dr. McCarthy doesn't mind, just writes thing down on his clipboard.

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