Preference.1 how you met (part.1)

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After a long hard day at work you were walking home when it started to down pour.

"Fucking great, this is just amazing!" you said while looking down at your phone. Little did you know, looking at your phone isn't the greatest

"OOF" you here as you run into some hard surface. The impact caused you to fall.

Grabbing your phone you look up and see the Patrick Stump. He has been your idol for quite some time.

"Holy smokes I'm so sorry" he said in a worried tone. His face showed nervousness and fear.

"I-it's fine it's my fault for not paying attention" You told him while brushing your damp hair out of your face.

"Well my name is Patrick, Patrick stump and a pretty face like yours should have a name"  I blushed
Did Patrick stump just call me pretty

"M my name is (Y/N), (Y/F/N)" I told him

"Why don't we get out of the rain and go to (local coffee shop)? I know we only met, but I can apologize and a coffee." Patrick fumbled with his hands.

"Sounds good, by the way I love your voice. I'm a pretty big fan of Fall Out Boy." He chuckled at you and smiled

"Also, I should be the one buying you coffee. I was the one who didn't pay attention"  The rain began to get heavier causing you to groan

"You know what, we can buy eachother one. Let's just test out of the rain"


And you have been dating since


Finally you friend (F/N) convinced you to get a tattoo. It was never racking for you.

You walked and up to the counter with a sigh. It smelt like sweat and ink.

"Hello miss what can I do for you" the  guy at the counter asked. His body was covered in tattoos and he had piercings.

"Um I am here to get my first tattoo. Any advice?" The man looked you up and down. It made you shiver.

"Well we are pretty busy as you can see" you looked around and it infact was pretty busy.

"but I suggest something small. Read some of he magazine's, they'll help" The man pointed towards a empty chair next to a table full of magazines.

"Ok thank you" you walk over and see a man  bleach blond hair and a lot of tattoos sitting on his phone. You sit next to him and get on your phone trying to ignore the fact of social interaction.

It's been about 15 minutes and you feel a tap on your shoulder. The irst.reaction your body does is jump

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" The blonde man chuckled and rubbed his neck.

"No it's fine. I'm sorry about that I get very nervous" You began to shake as you became anxious.

"I was wondering what tattoo are you getting" The guy asked and smiled at you.

"I was planning on getting maybe a flower, or some song lyrics" Peoole started getting called up faster than before. Someone must have gotten a bigger tattoo.

" Is this your first one, I'm Pete by the way" He stuck his hand out cautiously.

"Y/N, i'm kinda nervous. I'm scared that it's gonna hurt and I'm gonna scream and I'm gonna be so embarrassed" you cover your face with your hands. Pete pats your back.

"Do you want me to go in with you and hold um your hand" he stuttered nervously

"I would love that" It was his turn to get his tattoo.

"Before I go, you should get these lyrics "Long live the car crashes hearts" Pete walked off chuckling

"Alright" You whispered. You never regreted that tattoo and you love it

Ever since then you went together to get tattoos all the time

Ever since then you went together to get tattoos all the time

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(Andy and joe in part 2)

Fall out boy,MCR,Twenty one pilots,and panic! Band preferences and imaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant