Lying is the most fun for him Brendon urie imagine # 3

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(A/N me and @Pheonixbenzendrine did a challenge thing where we did a randomize thing to see what person we would get and the theme and this is what i go so yup)


Work. Gross I can't stand being away from Brendon.

I need a drink I'm so fucking stressed out serious I have to much to do.

Walking in I sat down on a stool.

"Hey can I have cup of you?" I turned around

"Dude really" this guy is about to get punched

"Yeah let me take you home. Sound cool" No way

"Dude I don't want to go the hell away" he huffed

"Listen here i'm trying to be nice so listen to me or i-" he was cut of by a

"or what?" I looked and saw Ryan Ross

" Fine but you don't know what you are missing" he left and Ryan sat next to me

"Long time no see Y/N how have you been" i sighed not to good Ryan I don't feel go about Brendon

And I"

"Good me and Brendon are fine we are getting along great." Lies Lies Lies

"Your Lying Y/N tell me the truth" god no please please

" Well actual I um haven't been feeling right with Brendon lately he has always been hanging out with

his "friends" more than me her name is Sarah and I I don't know there is just something about her I

don't like." I let it all out and Ryan look at me with his beautiful eyes.

"Y/N you deserve better he might be cheating on you and you don't know" he might be right

"Ryan I don't know I better be getting home" He looked worried

" Ok Y/N take care if you need anything call me" OK OK I NEED TO GO

" Will do" I hopped into my black corvette and drove off

tapping my fingers on the steering wheel jerking forward and backwards

"I'm going to go insane calm down Y/N"
(Time skip)
Walking in the door
" I knew it!!"  He is a cheating little asshole
"Bye Brendon have fun with Sarah I'm going to Ryan's well like you would care" I walked out and went to Ryan's  house

Knocking on the door I waited in the rain
As soon a I was about to knock again Ryan opened the door and pulled me in and started kissing me and I let him do it I'm such and idiot

Brendon's pov:

"So I was thinking streamers bursting out a-" I continued
"No Brendon it has to be soft and sweet you ask a girl to marry you in a sweet way" I sighed
"Yeah I gue-" I heard the door slam "shit Y/n is home"
"I knew it Bye Brendon have fun with Sarah I'm going to Ryan's well like you would care" y/n thinks I'm cheating damnit
I told Sarah I had to go and got into the car and drove to Ryan's like where she said she would be.
The door was cracked and I opened it to see y/n and Ryan kissing I fell to my knees

Y/n pov:

I heard the door open right after I was still trying to push Ryan off of me

"Brendon is a fool to cheat on you"
"I never told you that Ryan and why did you kiss me" I said flat out
"Because I love you and Brendon doesn't deserve you I do" I laughed
"Yeah right" That's when I turned to leave and I felt a tap
"Look y/n I'm not cheating" I shook my head
"I I I don't know why I thought that you would" he kissed me and took me outside in the rain
We laughed
He got on one knee
"Y/n when I met you all you where to me was a beautiful fan now you are my sweet beautiful kind amazing girlfriend and I normal don't like to put my name on things but I would like to put it on one thing" he grabbed a box
"Yes" I said tears welling in my eyes
"You y/n  m/n  l/n ( your name middle name last name) will you become y/n Urie?"
"Yes!!" I yelled


Sorry it has been so long I have just been so busy with school and everything it's been hard to keep up this was supposed to be die like 2 weeks ago as a challenge thing with my friend I haven't heard from her for a while so yup please comment like and vote please if you want don't be shy ask 5moreminutesmom or I for an imagine rules are in the book towards the beginning happy reading!!!

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