He's gets scared Preference #6

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Fall Out Boy-  


 You lie in bed, dreaming. 

There's a kitten alone in a kennel, mewling.

 Darkness closes in around it, and you try to reach it, but you wake up before you can.

 For some reason, you can still hear the kitten. You turn over, and you see Andy, your boyfriend, twitching and whimpering at the noise of the thunder outside. 

 Smiling, you gently shake his shoulder to wake him up. "Andy, hun, wake up," you whisper.

 He wakes up, looking around with wild eyes, before they rest on you and soften. You squeeze his shoulder and say, "You we were twitching in your sleep. You okay?" you ask, concerned. 

 He blushes a bit and says, "Yeah, I guess I don't like thunder."

 You pick up on his blush and the way he's avoiding eye contact and ask, "Why are you embarrassed about that? Everyone is afraid of something." He sits up and sighs.

 "I'm supposed to be this tough, Crossfit, tattooed guy in a band, and I'm afraid of a sound wave. How does that sound?" 

He asks, eyebrow raised. You chuckle at him and say, "Andy, you may work out like crazy and have inked nearly every square inch of your body, but to me you will just be a giant bearded teddy bear.

 I don't care if you're afraid of butterflies, I love you, the tough and the soft."

 He smiles and nods. "Okay. Thanks, Y/N." He kisses your forehead and lies back down. You shake your head and lie down next to him before gently drifting to sleep. 


 You sit on the easy chair in your living room on the easy chair, legs tucked up while putting way too many sugars in your tea. Suddenly, you hear a yell from the other room.

You put your tea down and rush to the bedroom you share with your boyfriend Joe.

There you see him standing with his back to the closet, breathing heavily. "Joseph Trohman, what was that scream for? You nearly gave me a hear attack!" You scold. 

 He puts up a finger and says, "Y/N you don't understand. There is a demon in the closet." 

 You roll your eyes and walk over to him.

 "Oh come on Joe. What could possibly be in there?" You move him aside and open the door, when a white moth flutters out. 

Joe yelps and ducks behind the bed. You laugh at him and walk over to where the moth was and catch the moth in your hands.

 "Joe, you can come out now." He peeks out from the side of the bed and slowly walks over. 

 "I swear, if you let that thing go in my face, I'm going to scream," he warns, tentatively approaching you. 

 You wrinkle your nose at him and say, "Well if I'm not allowed to scare you with it, could you open the window so I can let it go outside?" He nods, moving to the window and opening it. You put your hands outside and open them, letting it into the wild. 

 "Better?" You ask Joe, shutting the window. He nods. "Better." You laugh at him and give him a peck on the cheek. "Come on you big baby, my tea is getting cold."


 Today was going to be awesome. 

Under a blanket, (favorite TV show) on, your favorite guy beside you, and (favorite hot beverage) within reach. 

You were prepared for a day of relaxation. You get (favorite hot beverage) ready, and sit down on the couch next to your boyfriend, Patrick. 

"It has begun. I am not leaving this couch for the next six hours!" he declares. You chuckle silently at his determination and turn on the TV and going to Netflix to select (favorite TV show). 

 Just as the opening theme song starts to play, you see something scuttle in the corner. A mouse. You tense, not because you're scared, but because you know Patrick.

 You try and relax your now stiff body, but he picks up on it

"Y/N? What's wrong?" he asks, furrowing his brow.  

You shake your head. "Nothing. Just thought of this really embarrassing thing from a few years ago." He nods and turns back towards the TV, but puts his arm around you as if to protect you from another cringe attack. 

 This time you hear it before you see it. Your eyes flash towards the corner where the squeaking was coming from. 

Patrick notice your eyes stray away from the screen, and looks into the corner himself. 

 You see his eyes widen and grab his hands, trying to calm him down before he has a panic attack. 

"It's okay, bud, look at me." He turns his face towards you, still with fear alight in his eyes. 

"I'm going to go take care of it, take deep breaths and I'll be right back," you say, pecking his forehead and getting off the couch.

 You find an empty box and spare piece of cardboard from Christmas and you go back to the mouse. It had found a few crumbs and was now nibbling at them methodically. 

Between it's brown fur and black eyes, it was pretty cute. But, when you moved in with Patrick, the first rule was no rodents. Cautiously moving towards the mouse, you start to lower the box onto it until it's about six inches above its head, then you drop it, trapping the mouse inside.

Carefully, you lift the box just enough so you can shuffle the cardboard underneath it.

 You picked up your makeshift mouse trap and carried it out the back door. 

Setting it on the lawn, you opened the box and watched the mouse scurry off and under the fence. You go back inside and sit next to Patrick again.

 "It's gone, Trick. It can't scare you anymore." He lets out a sigh and pulls you into his arms. "Thank you, Y/N." Snuggling into his chest you kiss his cheek and say, "No problem. Let's just enjoy the rest of our day."

A/N:Hey people! I know I've been MIA lately, (thanks Brianna for posting during my absence) I have a lot of stuff on my plate right now, so I will try to write at least once a week, but if I don't, you now know why. Also, I was just messing around with this idea, so do you think I should do this for the other bands? I know I do a lot of FOB (sowwy)... Let me know!QUESTION TIME: What are you afraid of?Please follow me and Brianna, comment on this story and vote if if you thought it was worthy!Buhbye!

Hey its Brianna here,

I might not be posting for a while i am really just sad right now. I found out the Daniel (he is from Cyndago off of YouTube.

I watched them all the time and Daniel was the main one and when I found out about him committing suicide it really broke me inside and I can't' believe this happen.

So i'm really truly sorry but I promise I will be up on my feet again so i hope you guys understand.

I love you all bye MWAA

Fall out boy,MCR,Twenty one pilots,and panic! Band preferences and imaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant