House Of Memories Brendon Urie Imagine #4 Part 1

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(He is actually in the place when he describes the hallway other things are his thoughts I hope that made since)

Brendon's pov:

If you're a lover you should know

It's been 3 years since Y/N and I had been together. 

The lonely moments just get lonelier the longer your in love Than if you were alone

When ever I was alone I always felt lonely but when Y/N was gone it got worse it's hard to be alone with out Y/N we have been together for along time and I felt even lonelier that I did before. 

Memories turn into daydreams become a taboo

Sometimes I would daydream about what memories we could make but we are always to busy for each other and they won't work out.

I don't wanna be afraid the deeper that I go

Nothing was ever the same. I walked down a hallway that was dark like the fight we had. I went deeper like I do with our love. I'm afraid to fall in love more because I don't want to get hurt but I continue to love.

Soft hearts electrics souls 

 I continued to walk down the hallway my heart slowed down. I hope that Y/N was okay I left her crying.


(Bold Brendon Italics You)

I'm sorry I have been busy trying to make my fans happy! It's what I do it's my life I have done this for so long and now you come to say it to me that you wish we could be together more!? Well so do I okay but i have to make other happy!

I understand but whenever you are home you always work on song lyrics! You have got me feeling that I'm nothing! I also try hard to support you but it seams to me you care more about your fans!

Y/N you should know that you mean a lot me but it's not that simple if you really want me to be with you more than come and support me! Try harder!

 I'm sorry that I can't be there I have to take care of things at home!


What so we are just going to end it there?!

What do you mean you want to continue fighting?!

 No but I..........

Can't finish a sentence? I know!

 *falls to floor and cries* Why are you such an ass!!!??

*cries and heads to door* Why are you?!!!?


And I left.

I continues to walk and I heard someone walking forward towards me. My heart sped up and my hairs stood up like electric.

I saw Y/N smile at me and my soul felt pure again to see her smile

Heart to Heart and eyes to eyes is this taboo

 I ran to Y/N and gave her a hug and we held onto each other like we were going to die

Our hearts were beating at the same time and we looked into each others eyes.


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed if you like this please comment I need to know if I should do a part two
I really enjoyed it.
I am taking request I really want some I would love to get them boy or girl I don't care I tried to make this gender neutral for literally anyone could read it. 
Also I hope you read about Katie she will still hopefully be on Wattpad so you can talk to here I am thankful that she even wanted to collab with an idiot like me.
Also KylieThePsychic you need to read my others hurry I don't want you to be too far behind

Question of the day: What is your favorite Death Of A Bachelor song?

Mine would have to be Golden Days or The Good,The Bad and The Dirty. Golden Days is really good and had a vibe to it that I could possibly listen to it all day and TGTBATD is really catch and fun to dance to when I am bored.


Fall out boy,MCR,Twenty one pilots,and panic! Band preferences and imaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant