Patrick Imagine #5

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    Patrick Imagine for Ashley

"Boo!" I say as the door opens.

 My husband Patrick jumps a bit until he sees me and smiles. 

He said he would try to get off early tonight, as it was our second anniversary.

"Hello, mi amor," he says, pulling me into his arms and pressing a kiss to my lips.I pull away and straighten his fedora. 

"As much as I would love to stay here forever, I have a bit of a surprise for tonight."Patrick raises an eyebrow. 

"This isn't going to be like when you tried to surprise me by baking a pie and and almost set the house on fire, is it?"

"No," I say firmly. 

"But, for this to work, I set something out for you to wear, and I want you to put it on, no questions asked.

"He looks at me skeptically, and I roll my eyes in response.

 "Just do it," I say, and walked into the kitchen to make the final preparations.

The microwave has just beeped when I hear him coming back down the stairs. I smile and run out of the kitchen, laughing when I see he actually put it on.

"Really, Ashley?" He asks, gesturing to the Batman pajamas I found.

I go up to him and ruffle his hair. 

"Well, I have a movie marathon that should take most of the night, and if we fall asleep on the couch, I doubt you want to be wearing skinny jeans.

"He shrugs, "I suppose that's true. What movies are we watching?"

"I've gotten out the classics and have found all of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movies from the 90's," I say, waiting for his reaction.He gives the biggest grin of the night, picking me up and spinning me around. 

"I swear you're the best wife ever.

"I laugh at him and he puts me down. 

The living room has been set up in for optimal movie watching. All the spare blankets and sheets are now a fort, with popcorn and other assorted movie snacks.The first movie is already in the player when we settle in, preparing for an awesome night.

My heart stops a bit as I remember the present I got. 

His reaction could potentially make or break this.

 "Stumpy?" I say tentatively.

"Yes, Mrs. Stumpy?" He mimics, turning to me.

"Before we start the first movie, I want to give you something."

 I reach behind me and grab the small box I stashed there.Hr takes the box and shakes it, trying to find out what it is. 

"It's really light," he says with a chuckle as he opens it.I watch his face, shock written all over it, before tackling me in a bear hug, the box holding the positive pregnancy test tossed aside.

He pulls back to look at me and put a hand on my stomach. 

"Hello, miniature human," he says softly, on the brink of tears. "You're going to be fantastic. With such a nice home right now, how could you not be?"


We're back from hiatus! Thank you to everyone who stuck with us, we love you infinitely! Sorry to those of you who requested personals, I know now what is too much for me and what I can handle.I've decided not to promise anything as far as scheduling goes. Some weeks are busier than others, some weeks are more inspired than others. I'll get the requested imagines up before anything else, but there are no guarantees as to when that will be.Thank you for understanding, thank you for being kind, and never go to bed before midnight.~Katie



I'm alive as well just not going to make imagines til after Christmas.

So sorry people don't kill me Katie is making them though see

thanks again for 1.71k reads holy smokes thanks!!!!!!!!!!

Fall out boy,MCR,Twenty one pilots,and panic! Band preferences and imaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant