Brendon Urie imagine #2 Changing fate part 3

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Brendon Urie Imagine: Part Three

READ A/N A/N- This imagine has two endings! One is really fluffy and happy but there is a bit of conflict, but it ends happy.

 Let's just say the other isn't... So, I will label which one is which, you can read one or both, they are completely unrelated so nothing will matter in that regard. Sound good? Good. Leggo.

Happy Ending-It had been about four weeks since you and Brendon got together, and now you practically inseparable. 

The only reason you left each other was when he had to work, and even then he would sometimes take you to the studio.

But it was starting to lose it's charm. When you were friends, you could leave and come back, but now your relationship seemed to kind of take over.

You decided that maybe you just needed a day to yourself. 

That night, just before you went to sleep, you make plans to meet up with a friend you haven't seen in a while.

Your dreams that night, however, were troubling.

 You saw yourself shouting at Brendon, but you couldn't hear what about. 

You made out something, but it just sounded like, "Snazzafazzerazz!" You woke up in sweats, and the sheets tangled around you. You didn't want this dream to come true. 

It would hurt too much.You try to forget the dream when your phone buzzes. It's a text from your friend, Jordan 

(A/N- Sorry if you don't have a friend named Jordan, but it's relevant to the story.)

'Hey, can't wait to hang out later! The Chinese place at 11, right?'

You reply a quick confirmation and start to get ready.

 Looking at the time, you see it's 10:30 and you should probably start heading over.

Putting your phone on silent, you pick up your jacket and put it on, and when you open the door, you see Brendon is already on the other side. You smile at him and kiss his cheek. He sneaks his arms around your waist and says, "Hey you. Where you off to so early?""Just going to see a friend. Now that I don't have a job I have a bit more time to myself," you reply. 

"You're welcome to stay here for a bit. I shouldn't be gone more than an hour or so." He frowns. "Okay. See you, then." He goes into the apartment and you leave before starting to walk down to the Chinese restaurant you had chosen to meet at.

 When you arrive, you see Jordan walking down the street and you run up to hug her. "Y/N! I haven't seen you in forever!" She greets you, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

 You sit in the little shop, talking about anything and everything, until you suddenly realize you've been gone for two and a half hours. 

"Jesus on a fricking tricycle!" you exclaim.

 "I've got to go. I'll talk to you later, okay?" Throwing some money on the table, you rush out the door and back home, out of breath. When you open the door, you are immediately crushed in a hug by Brendon. 

"Oh my god I was so worried... Why didn't you answer my calls?" You hug him back and say, "I turned my phone on silent so I wouldn't be distracted while I was catching up." 

 You can feel him frown and you pull away. "Are you okay, B?" He nods and says, "Fine. Can we just spend the rest of the day movie marathonning?" 

 You nod and respond, "Absolutely. I just need to go to the bathroom before we begin." He lets you go and you put your phone on the counter and your jacket on the hook. 

Fall out boy,MCR,Twenty one pilots,and panic! Band preferences and imaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant