Brendon Urie imagine #2 Changing fate part 2

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(created by 5moreminutesmom) (just picked a random song guys (Changing Fate- Part Two  

A/N: Sorry this is so late!  

The night you find Toby, you have another dream. 

This one is pretty odd. You were walking through a park with Brendon, and at one point, he takes your hand. You sit on a bench together just enjoying each other's company. Until he leans in and kisses you. 

 You wake up with a start, nearly scaring Toby off the bed. You can still feel the feeling of his lips on yours.

 You lie on your side, wide awake at 2 am. What does this even mean? Surely not all your dreams come true. Just because one did doesn't mean they all will. Why would they? Yeah, you'd kissed Brendon before, but it was during a game of spin the bottle in high school.

 "No, you don't have feelings for Brendon." You tell yourself firmly. You roll over and try to sleep again, but sleep isn't as easy to come by anymore.


 You wake up sleepy having not getting that much sleep last night. You check the time, and bolt out of bed, realizing you're going to be late for work. You're a telemarketer for a company that sells liposuction. One of the most stressful jobs you've had, you pride yourself on you ability to keep cool with customers. Today is going to be a bit different. 

 You quickly grab some clothes, not really looking at what you picked. You brush you hair while pulling on your pants, and rush out the door in hurry, skipping breakfast. Out of breath, you unlock your car and put the key in the ignition. "Come on, come on, come on," you say to the car as the engine chugs along a few times until finally it turns over. Throwing it into reverse, you back out and speed to the office where you work, finally arriving 20 minutes late, where your boss is standing in the middle of your cubicle. 

 "Y/L/N," Mrs. Goldstein says.

You groan internally. "Yes, ma'am?" you say, knowing what was about to come."That's the third time this month," she starts. "If you don't have the courtesy to show up for this job, I think you would be better off somewhere else."You sigh and say, "Okay. I understand. Thank you, Mrs. Goldstein."She nods and you turn around and leave the building. You drive back home, stressing. You didn't have a job anymore, and now you can't pay rent. You'll have to find a new one that's probably crappier than this one.When you get home, you get your phone out and text Brandon.'Hey B, can u come over'A few seconds later you get a text back.'Yeah be there in 10'You sigh and decide to change. Opening your dresser, you grab some sweatpants and a t-shirt and lay on the couch, waiting for Brendon. You hear a door open and shut, but stay quiet."Y/N?" Brendon calls. You mutter something unintelligible into a pillow and he comes into the living room area.He takes one look at you and say, "Okay, who do I need to murder?"You roll over onto your back and say, "Me. I was late for work again and my boss fired me."He sits on arm of the couch next to your head and puts his hand on your shoulder. "Aw man, that sucks. How about we go out and go to that (food you hate) food truck?"You roll over on your back and furrow your eyebrows. "I hate that," you say, confused."Yes but I like it, come on, please? We can take Toby," he pleads, poking your forehead.You roll your eyes and get off the couch. "Fine. Let's go.""Yesss," he says in celebration. You grab Toby's leash and latch him up before heading out the door.You start heading towards the food trucks, stressing. How were you going to find another job? It was going take forever, and you were starting to get behind on your rent.

You run your fingers through your (H/C) and let out a breath, trying to calm down. Brendon looks at you and takes your hand in his, squeezing it. You tense and he looks at you. "Is this okay?" he asks.You nod, not wanting to tell him about the dream. You head to the food truck, where you do manage to find something you like. Brendon lets go of your hand to grab the food before heading off to find a place to sit.You look where he's heading and bite your lip. It's the bench. 'It'll be fine," you tell yourself firmly. You were determined to maintain your friendship.He sits on the bench and hands you your food. You sit on the bench with him and tie Toby to the leg. You start to bite into your food before Brendon randomly asks, "What do you think about regrets?"You're a bit taken aback, but respond nonetheless. "Well, I think everyone has some, and you should regret the things you didn't do more than the things you did. If you get an opportunity to do something, take it. Just don't wait.""Good," he says, and before you can process what's happening, he presses his lips to yours.Shocked, you pull back and look at him a moment and think. This is your best friend. You've known him since preschool, you've seen him at his worst and best, and... You were totally in love with him.You kiss him again, softer this time, and you pull back together, smiling. "No regrets," he whispers.You rest your head on his shoulder and say, "Absolutely none."A/N: So... Hi... Sorry again this is so late, I had these ideas but I couldn't put them in words! And this also might be a bit crap at the end, but I still hope you like it! Please vote if you thought it was worthy, and leave a comment with imagine ideas, but if you want a personal, please message either me or Brianna, and follow while you're at it!QUESTION TIME: If you could have any skill, what would it be?Goodbyeeeeee

Fall out boy,MCR,Twenty one pilots,and panic! Band preferences and imaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant