Chapter 27

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Zagara's P.O.V.

I decided to take some stress out by going to a bar not so nearby the hotel. As I walked in, the smell of alcohol filled my nose, music vibrated through my ears along with drunk people laughing obnoxiously at other drunk people. I took a empty seat at the bar and asked for a shot of tequila. The bartender swiftly poured me some and told me to enjoy.

I hope he didn't jinx it.

As I took my first shot of tequila, loud  yelling was coming towards the bar.
Three guys around my age entered the room. The first guy was short, buff, and had a long scar through his eyes that his sunglasses couldn't even hide. The second guy was way taller than him with buff arms and a skinny waist, while the last guy... Wow. God creates masterpieces. He was as tall as the other guy being 6 ft, noticeable muscle in his arms, black hair, and green eyes...making them stand out from everybody else. Once their presence was noticed, everyone in the bar was silent, but I didn't realize it or the fact that I was staring at him until he started walking my way. I quickly snapped myself out of it, I asked the bartender for another shot of tequila.

"Make that two, please," the green eyed guy said right after I had asked. I don't know if it was only me, but once he took a seat at the bar next to me, the noise came back up.

"What's your name, babe? Haven't seen you around here before?" he asked with the biggest smirk in the world.

"My name's Blossom & right now, I am trying to take some stress away," I honestly tell him as I pick up my shot.

"Cheers to that," he said picking up his and hitting it lightly at mine. We took the shot at the same time and asked for another round.

" about you and I go back to my place and we can-"

"Mm, yeah, see I'm not interested in cocky horny assholes like you," I said cutting him while putting he glass down.

"Uh, excuse me," he said as if he couldn't believe it.

"Uh, you heard me," I said back mimicking him. He chuckled at me and started staring into my eyes.

"I like you. You aren't...-"

"Easy," I said rolling my eyes at him.

"No..., I was going to say-"

"Okay, stop," I said putting my finger over his lips to stop him from talking.
He laughed and took his second shot.
I then caught his eyes wandering around the room. I sighed lightly already knowing what kind of guy he was and decided to take a walk around the beach. Once I got out of my seat, the guy with green eyes grabbed my arm harshly.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Let go of me," I said harshly, pulling my arm away from him. He only looked at me like was crazy as I walked out of the bar.

"Fucking asshole," I said under my breath, walking towards the beach.


I turned around to see the guy running after me. What the hell.

"Hey, I'm sorry," he said once he was standing in front of me.

"Look, I don't even know you &-"

"My name's Diego," he said cutting me off, "and I feel like a total asshole."

"Good, you should be," I said plainly, walking away.

"Please," he said gently grabbing my arm and letting go quickly, "How can I make it up to you?"

"By leaving me alone," I said about to leave.

"I don't want that scene at the bar to be the last memory of me. I wanna make your vacation here worth coming back again," he said almost too sweetly, looking defeated.

I was about to say something until my cell phone started buzzing in my pocket. Without a word, I looked at the caller ID, knowing it was my Dad, and then back to him.

"Fine. I'm walking on the beach and going home right after," I said simply and started walking again with him right beside me.

This asshole sure knows how to talk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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