Chapter 26

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My father, Daniel, a tall buff guy named Cirilo, a short lightweight guy named Alberto, and I arrived to Culiacán, Mexico in the evening.

We were staying over at the hotel.

I was surprised to actually see them blend in with all the everyday people. My Tío was right. Not everyone is who they seem they are.

"Be back in an hour," Daniel said before he, Cirilo, and Alberto, left my dad and I's hotel room. I understood why they wanted to leave so soon, because there was tension between my father and I.

Once they shut the door, my dad was quietly standing near the balcony, staring out the window. I sat on my bed, irritated and agitated. I had to speak up.

"I don't like your plan," I said to him as he stood still.

"What don't you like?" he asked as if he cared what I was about to say next.

"I don't like the fact that I helplessly have to stay here while you save my mom. I thought you said WE were going to get her," I said.

"That was after I saw you spar with Daniel."

"Wait, how would you know? You weren't even there," I said back to him, looking at him weird.

"I was watching you the whole time," he said looking from behind his shoulder then looking back to the view.

"How'd you-? You know what, I don't even want to know. Why not?! You know I'm good with guns!" I yelled back, getting up from the bed.

"Yes, you have impeccable aiming, but you aren't a good fighter. You had a few good hits, but Daniel still put you to the ground, multiple times," he argued back.

"Okay! Then I can help you!" I said only acknowledging my 'impeccable aiming'.

"You need to know how to fight! Yes, you know how to use a gun, but you can't even use your own hands!"

"You are not going to leave me here with Daniel. Please," I pleaded again ever since the plane ride here.

"No! Zagara! You are weak! They will kill you!" he turned to me and yelled.

We had a death glare contest until finally he cursed himself and pulled a hand through his hair at the same time I looked down to the floor.

"I need fresh air," I said as I add for the door.

"Zagara!" my Dad yelled, right when I slammed the hotel door shut.

I quickly made my way downstairs and ran out the hotel. I gasped for breath by the time I went outside and decided if I should go to my Abuelo's house or not. I decided to choose not, because the Mexican Cartel would have already scoped the place out and that's when I feared for my Abuelo.

Out of no where, my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID which said Daniel wit a (annoyed/irritated) emoji.

I rolled my yes and ignored it. I was just going to take a walk to wherever the wind takes me.


Diego's P.O.V

"They have Maria. They'll be back around tomorrow evening," Damien told my Dad and I while we watched everyone else count our bands of money we just received from

"Good. Mateo knows," he said and wave Damien off.

"Dad, I'm going to meet up with the guys," I said checking in with him. You'd think since I am next in line to be in charge of the Mexican Cartel that I could do anything I want...but I fucking can't. Well, I can, but I not unless my dad approves. We both have a pretty chill relationship, but when it comes to business, he's a hardass.

"Be back by midnight! You know how it goes. Make sure everything's running smoothly," He says as he raises his arms up like he was presenting the drugs being packed and ready to be shipped behind him.

"Yea, yea," I said and walked off to meet up with my friends.

Another night to fuck some fine ass girls. I can't wait.

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