Chapter 4

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"I just don't understand why guys have to be such jerks!" Tara yelled, having half of the food court looking in our direction.

"Tara, you fall for all the assholes," I said taking a sip of my Orange Julius.

"Yea, not all guys are jerks, you just fall for the..wrong ones," Jessica said sweetly.

Tara sighed defeatedly.

"Look, how about you take a break on boys and focus on school?" Jessica said, playfully shoving her.

"Boys or school... Hmm...? That's a tough one," Tara said sarcastically.

Jessica and I laughed at our naïve helpless romantic friend.

"Anyways, it's someone's birthday next Saturday... How are we gonna spend it?" Jessica said bright eyed looking at me.

"Yea, what were you thinking?" Tara said with joy.

"Uh... I actually wanted to go to a Jason's party.." I said not expecting what their reactions would be.

"Oouu! Our little Orange wants to go to her first party! Definitely in!" Tara said with her hand up. I laughed at her and put her hand down. She gave me a look and I laughed even harder, picking it back up and high fiving it.

"Are you sure? We can always go bowling, the movies, paint balling...?" Jessica suggested.

"Come on! Jess, I've never been to a high school party before. I'm turning 17 and the party's on my birthday! We're gonna be Seniors! I want to do something fun for once in my life!" I explained to her. Jessica was the sweet, kind-hearted, smart friend who only looks out for my best interests. She's a good girl and she has done more partying than me! She isn't even a partier, but she went to at least one. I mean even if I haven't went to one party yet, I am more reckless than she is. She wouldn't harm a fly! I just don't get as many opportunities with my strict mother.

"Would your mom let you go to a party?" Jessica asked, already knowing the answer.

"No! But she would let me sleepover your house or Tara's or Leila's!" I told her back.

Tara shook her head agreeing with me, being the awesome dramatic friend she is.

Jessica sighed.

"Sleepover mine. Not Leila's! She's going to provoke you to do everything illegal!" she said seriously.

Leila is another one of my friends. Now, she is truly known for being stupid and reckless! She has that "No Ragrets" tattoo written all over her! Yes, I'm referring to the movie "We're the Millers". That movie was hilarious. Anyways, she's the friend filled with laughs and fun. Before she can get too out of hand, Jessica's there to stop her.

I say I am between the two. I can be stupidly reckless one minute and be responsible and cautious the next. Like Tara, I was friendly and I did have my dramatic episodes. It's scary how all my friends rub off on me.

As if on cue, Leila calls Jessica.

"Hello?" Jessica answers.

Tara and I both watch her intently as she listens to Leila talk.

"Yea, mmkay. We're coming," Jessica said ending the call.

"She wants us to go paint balling with her," she said smiling.

"Let's go!" Tara yelled in excitement.

"Yes, to mi carito we go!" I yelled, getting out of my seat.

"Coche!" Jessica yelled, laughing.

"Oh right!" I said laughing back.

Tara and Jessica took the lead out of the mall, while I stumbled back looking for my car keys. Once I found them, I smiled in victory. As I was holding my keys, I felt as if someone was watching me. I looked up and turned around to catch any eyes on me, but everyone was minding their own business. I was about to look up at the second floor until Jessica called my name.

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