Chapter 18

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I woke up to complete darkness, feeling a shot of pain from my ankles and wrists. I was tied to a chair. Before I could panic, I remembered that I had been kidnapped and that if I breathed in too much, I would pass out again. So I took one quick deep breath and breathed out to calm down.
And to think shit like this only happened in the movies. How long have I been here?

All of a sudden it sounded like loud metal door scrapping the ground.

"What do you he'll do with her?" an unfamiliar guy voice asked.

"I don't know, kill her? Why the fuck does it matter?" a second voice said. I recognized it quickly, knowing it was my kidnapper. My heart started to race.

"Shut the fuck up! I was just asking. An outsider, like her having something of the Boss's...," the first guy said unbelievably.

"She could be working for someone for all we know. A spy maybe. Who else would have that kind of information?" my kidnapper said.

"You think she's-"

"Achoo!" I sneezed. Fuck me.

"Well, well, well, look who's up?" My kidnapper said, walking towards me.
I leaned my body at the edge of the chair, away from his voice as if it would make a difference.

"Let's say hello," the first guy said while pulling the sack roughly from my head.

I inhaled deeply, thanking God for air.

"Since we did you a favor, tell us who you're working for," the first guy asked.

"Excuse me...?" I said tiredly, struggling for breath.

"Don't fucking play with us," the kidnapper said holding a gun to my head, "You're pretty fucking stupid to not think we'd catch on to your shit. We have people everywhere. You're in Sicily."

I closed my eyes holding back the tears that were aching to come out.

"Aww...she's about to cry," the first guy said sarcastically with a pout.

I squeezed my eyes even tighter. He's possible me off now. They started laughing. That's it.

I eyed my kidnapper and did the lag thing that anyone would do to a guy who's holding a gun at them. I spit in his eyes.

"Why the fuck! You little-"

"ENOUGH," a deep silk yet raspy voice announced.

I turned my head toward the rusted metal door and automatically thought that I had to be in a crazy ass dream right now.

"No...," I said under my breath.

"Boss, it'll be my pleasure to kill her myself," my kidnapper said, stuffing the gun in my mouth.

"Let me at least give her the chance to explain herself," he said, not even taking one glance at me. The kidnapper pushed the gun further into my mouth making me gag. He then laughed and took it out, stepping aside from me.

I coughed a little then raised my head father.

It's my father.

He's my father.

My father.

There standing clearly in front of me is the father I thought to be dead standing almost 6 ft. tall, with a white v-neck showing off his muscles and some dark vein jeans, with black boots. He had a 5 o'click shadow on his natural olive skin, making his green eyes stand out even more. and My father is alive. He's not dead. He's Alive.

"Rumors spread like a plague... Especially in a town like this. What do you have of mine? Who're you working for?" my father asked me for the first time.

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