The Question.

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My eyes flutter open, landing on the creamy orange ceiling of the basement. I sit up slowly, letting the memory of Blake getting on top of Shereen flow to my brain. I had to fight her off, and I was upset because Shereen hasn't told her that We had something, or maybe it's just nothing to Shereen. I feel that may hair is up in a ponytail, and I now remember putting up. I let my feet swing out of the bed to the floor, which seems more soft than I remember. I look down, finding a female's shirt on the floor.  

I look back up, but I don't turn my head, because I am nervous to what I might find. I bit down on my lower lip, closing my eyes tightly. I stand from my bed, turning around to view the small mystery that I am only footsteps away to solving. Once I am fully turned to my bed, I open my eyes, cursing what was in it.

It's Blake, Blake is in my bed! First she was all in my girlfriend's face, then she's all in my car, now she's all in my bed. The girlfriend thing was enough the others are just more fuel she's adding to this fire.

She's been here for 3 days now, but she would always sleep on the couch, what changed?!

"Blake!" I yell, and she groans, tossing around in my bed.

"Blake!" I call out once again, but my voice filling the room a bit more.

She lifts her head from my pillow, blinking her eyes in the morning sun. She looks up to me, and she adds a smile to my not wanted view of her in my bed already.

"Good morning."She says, scratching out her arms and sitting fully straight up. I look at her with a glare in my eyes.

"Get out of my bed." I say, pulling my covers off her. She grabs the cover into her grip, making it harder for me to retrieve it. My eyes meet with hers, and she pull at the cover.

"Blake let go of the cover." I say, before tugging at it.

"No, Shereen said I could sleep here." She says, pulling back at the cover again.

"I don't care. This is my bed! Shereen gave this bed to me first." I say, yelling now without knowing.

"Shereen told me to seep here!" She yells back, and I stump my foot to the floor like a small child would if she didn't get that sparkly item that she wants so damn bad.

"And why are you guys yelling?" A sleepy Shereen says. Me and Blake both snap our heads to the stair case where Shereen is now standing.

"She's forcing me out of the bed!" Blake says with her eyes shut tightly and pointing her finger at me. I huff, dropping the cover.

"You told her to get in my bed. Why?" I questioned Shereen, and her face grows white. She knew how I would feel, but she completely ignored the fact.

"Well, she wanted to sleep in a bed, not on a couch. It's better if she sleeps in your bed and not mine, right?" She says, and She's right I'd rather have her in my bed than in Shereen's. My heart would fall out my chest if that ever happens, and hopefully it won't.

Shereen raises her eyebrows at me, knowing that she is right. I sigh, and Shereen laughs a little.

"Babe, are you going to cook some breakfast?" Blake ask from behind Shereen and I little huddle. I close my eyes to let myself breath before I jump on this bed and fuck this girl up.

"Stop calling me that." Shereen starts. "I'm not your 'Babe' I'm not you 'girl' nor your 'girlfriend'. This girl right here," she pulls me into Blake's eye sight, turning me to face Blake now. "This is my 'Babe,' 'girl,' 'girlfriend' and everything else, okay?" She states firmly, and I can feel my cheeks begin to heat.  Blake's mouth drops for only a second, and she shakes her head.

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