Unpleasant Me

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Arriane's POV

Harry and I just stood there in front of them for what seemed like hours. They just stared at me and I wasn't sure if it was because I was dressed in Harry's clothes, they didn't know I was there, Harry's one night stands were usually gone before they were awake, or all three. The thought of it made my cheeks flush and I looked down as I tried to pull my hand away from Harry's grasp, but he just tightened his grip and gave me a confused look. 

"Sorry..I just think I should call my friend and get home. I'm not really hungry." I said quietly and tried to act like the four other boys weren't still staring at me.

Liam cleared his throat and I turned my head to look at him. "You don't have to do that. I'm sorry for the staring. We just didn't expect you to be here." he said with an apologetic shrug.

Guess all of Harry's one night stands were gone by the time they all woke up, I thought to myself as Harry shot a glare at him. "No. It's fine. I didn't really expect to be here when I woke up." I said quietly earning a soft laugh from Louis.

"You're just not the type Harry usually brings home!" Louis said in an overly cheerful voice and Harry slapped him on the back of the head. "Hey! I just telling the truth." he said and pouted a bit.

"No one asked for the truth." Harry said simply and pressed his lips into a thin line then he looked toward me. "Anyway, just stay for breakfast, love."

I sighed a bit and chewed on my lip. "Fine. Just..pretend that I'm not here." I said quietly.

"Hard to do, love!" Louis perked a bit and earned yet another glare from Harry then he pouted once more. I swear, he really did act like a child.

"Louis, cut it out. Please." Harry said quietly.

Louis sighed softly "Sorry, Harry." he laughed a bit and I instantly knew it was probably because the words almost rhymed.

The other boys were glaring at him with slight confusion, and I couldn't help but laugh since I've only known him for two minutes and I already understood his reason for laughing. They turned their attention back to me and I felt my cheeks flush. "Erm.." I said quietly.

"What are you both laughing at?" Harry asked and raised an eyebrow.

I shrugged softly. "I was kind of laughing because I think I figured out why Louis was laughing."

Louis pouted once more. "And why was I laughing, Missy?"

"My name is not Missy. It's Arriane. And because the words 'sorry' and 'Harry' almost rhymed." I said simply and shrugged a bit. 

He gaped at me. "Can you read my mind?!"

I laughed a bit and shook my head. "Nope. Not sure I want to either." I said innocently.

He huffed and turned his attention back to his food as the others laughed. Harry smiled softly and pulled me toward the kitchen. "Just get a plate and get whatever you want. If anything is left." he said and glanced at Niall who was still scarfing down his food like he hadn't ate for days.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I asked quietly.

Harry smiled softly and nodded. "Yes, but ladies first. The boys would have probably done the same, but we woke up late." he said softly and glanced at them. "Okay, maybe, they would have. I can't say the same about, Niall."

I laughed quietly. "You don't have to be all gentlemen around me all the time, Harry."

He chewed on his lip for a moment. "I can't help it. I was raised this way, and..I guess I figure if I keep acting this way then you won't flip out like most girls do around us."

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