Bad Press Part One

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"I only want to spend ten..fifteen..minutes in here. Okay, both of you?" I said sternly as we walked up the path toward the store. We had just parked the car and were now heading into the building.

Taylor rolled her eyes and bumped her shoulder against mine. "Arriane, you can't possibly find decent clothes to wear in the amount of time. Let alone try them on."

I huffed slightly and crossed my arms. "I hate the thought of wearing these kinds of clothes. They're going to make me feel fat..and I don't want to try them on. They're going to have to be big on lets just pick them out and go."

"Love, just relax. I'm sure there's something here that you might like." Harry said quietly and put his arm around my waist.

I sighed quietly. "Says the guy that doesn't have to get fat." I grumbled and crossed my arms.

"Pregnant. Not fat." Taylor said casually making me roll my eyes.

"Whatever." I mumbled and walked inside of the store. I pressed my lips together as I looked around. It seemed like any ordinary clothing store, but that didn't even make it better. I hate buying clothes. No, correction, I hate picking out clothes, trying them on, and then having them not fit me. Now I actually have to buy clothes that are huge for me. I sighed quietly and ran my fingers through my hair. "I have no clue where to even start.." I grumbled.

"Lets just start here." Taylor said while grabbing my hand and jerking me to a section of clothing. Harry trailed behind us with his hands shoved into the pockets of his jacket. He looked a bit uncomfortable. She walked over to a rack and began thumbing through the tops until she found one that she liked. "What about this?" she asked as she held it up.

I resisted the urge to wrinkle my nose. "I hate bright things, Taylor. And that's just to..yellow." I cringed slightly. The shirt was a short sleeved dressy top with a few ruffles near the chest part, and I might have liked it if it wasn't for the fact that it was yellow. I hated that color.

She sighed. "You say that you hate bright colors..but they look so cute on you! Yellow is your color and you know it."

I took the top from her and then put it back on the rack. "No. Now lets move on." I said quickly.

Taylor rolled her eyes and picked the top back up. "You didn't even ask the opinion of your boyfriend." she said and turned me slightly so I was facing Harry then she put the top up to me. "What do you think, Harry?"

I narrowed my eyes at him.

He pressed his lips together and, I think, pretended to study the top and how it looked on me. "I like it." He said and rolled his eyes whenever I sighed in defeat. "You don't have to get it if you don't want it, Arriane. But I like the color on you, and I think you don't like it because it screams for people to notice you...and you don't like that."

I looked down at the top and frowned a bit. Sure, it was pretty and all, but yellow just made me cringe. Neither of them realized why I didn't like wearing that color, but then again, they probably had somewhat of an idea. Harry was right about me not liking it because it'll make people notice me, however, that wasn't the only reason. "I don't want anything yellow. Please." I whispered and put the top back on the rack once more then turned to another section.

"Okay.." Taylor sighed out and began looking through the rack I was currently pretending to look through. "What about....this." She smiled and held up another top.

It was a long sleeved white shirt that was decorated with all different colors of hearts and it expanded at the stomach, so you could tell that it was made for pregnant women.

I smiled slightly and took it from her. "I like it." I said and turned to Harry. "What do you think?" I asked while holding it in front of myself.

"If you like it..then I do." He said quickly and shoved his hands deeper into the pockets of his jacket.

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