Skype Call

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An unsettling feeling in the bottom of my stomach pulled me out of a perfect sleep. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that Harry was still curled to my stomach and despite the fact that I really needed to throw up I didn't want to wake him. I tried to untangle him from my stomach as gently as possible, but it just wasn't going to happen. He stirred slightly when I pushed him off my stomach and his head flopped onto the bed. I heard him say my name as I ran into the bathroom, but I didn't have time to respond. The moment I got to my destination I dropped onto my knees in front of the toilet and emptied the contents of my stomach. I felt Harry holding my hair back so that the braid didn't swing into my face and he rubbed soothing circles on my back. If he was going to be there to do this for me each time I threw up then I knew I could possibly get through these next few months.

After I thought I was finished I slowly flushed the toilet and let Harry help me to my feet. I walked over to the sink and started to rinse my mouth out in the tap. Since I was sure this was as good a time as any I began brushing my teeth with my finger. I began to realize that I should probably start bringing a toothbrush over here or even everywhere I go just in case this were to happen. Sure, using my finger every once in a while to brush my teeth helps a lot, but the taste of vomit won't go away to easily. I really needed an actual toothbrush.

Harry stood beside the door as I spat out the toothpaste and rinsed my mouth out. Once I noticed he was staring at me I sent him an apologetic smile from my reflection in the mirror. "Sorry for waking you up. Again." I said quietly.

He chuckled softly and then slowly walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my torso. "Like I said last night, you didn't wake me up. Well..I guess you kind of did this morning, but I'd rather be woken up a little early than to have you vomit all over my bed." he said while wrinkling his nose slightly at the thought.

I rolled my eyes a bit and laughed. "Yeah, I guess it was better. I tried to get you off me gently, but it was impossible."

He rested his chin my shoulder and since we were both still standing in front of the sink I could see our reflection in the mirror. "Sorry, love. I meant to move back to my spot but I just fell asleep after singing through about half of our second album."

I blinked a couple times and looked at his reflection the mirror. Even though he'd just woken up he still looked at perfect as ever, but his bed head made him look a bit more childlike. It made me smile. "Maybe I should actually go buy it so I can learn some of the songs on it." I said softly and leaned back against him.

He chuckled softly and kissed the side of my jaw slightly. "Well, there are easier ways to learn our songs then going out and buying the album, you know?"

"Erm..yeah, I guess I could go on YouTube and look up some of the songs." I said while looking at his reflection in the mirror.

Harry laughed quietly and kissed my shoulder gently. "Yes, but you could also just have me and the lads sing for you..or even just me. I'd be happy to help you learn the words." he said with a smile.

I laughed. "Harry, thanks..but no thanks. I don't want to make you sing for me all the time. I'd love for you to sing the baby to sleep once it gets here..but other than that I don't want to tire your vocal cords out."

"It'd be worth it for you.." He said softly and tightened his arms around me. "And I'd be happy to sing you both to sleep. The baby hears whatever you it'd make sense to sing to you and him or her at the same time."

I smiled and kept leaning against him while he rested his chin on my shoulder once again. I reached my fingers up and began playing with some of the curls on the side of his head. He closed his eyes at the touch and I smiled again knowing he liked his curls being played with. "Harry..I think you're going to be an amazing dad." I whispered after a couple moments of silence.

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