The Interview

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"Arriane, love, calm down. I don't want you to throw up again." Harry said softly as he played with my fingers.

I chewed on my lip and tried not flinch as the person that was doing my hair tugged a little to hard on it. "No promises there, Harry." I said quietly and leaned back against the chair. I wasn't even really sure why I was getting my hair done for this interview, nor did I know what this guy was even doing it. It was something in an updo, I think.

Harry kissed my knuckles in a way that almost made me shiver. "You'll be fine. If anything gets to bad then I will take you off stage." he said softly.

I took a deep breath and slowly nodded. I was nervous as hell, and why I wouldn't I be nervous? Today was the day of the interview. The interview where Harry and I announce my pregnancy to the world. After the guy was finished with my hair he walked away without a second thought. I frowned softly and slowly put my glasses back on. A lady before him had put on a light layer of make up, but she was actually nice and made an effort to strike up a conversation. If Harry hadn't been holding my hand while I was getting my hair done I probably would have either thrown up or died from uncomfortableness. I slowly looked at him and gave me a reassuring smle that I couldn't return.

"Harry..are you sure you want to announce this now? I mean..we can wait and I don't have to go on stage now.." I said quietly.

He took both of my hands in his and squeezed them gently. "Arriane, you know as well as I do that this needs to be announced right away before the press and everyone else makes assumptions. I want to lessen the pain you'll get, and this is the best way I know how."

I frowned and glanced down at myself. The tee shirt I was wearing wasn't baggy as my shirts usually were. It was a bit tight around my stomach area, but it never used to be, and I think that was because my stomach was beginning to grow a bit. I didn't exactly have what you would call a pregnant belly, but I did have a baby bump of some sort. It wouldn't be to long before someone would notice that my stomach and clothes were getting bigger. And it'd be a lot worse for Harry's fans if they found out from some gossip site that he was going to be a father. They'd say horrible things about me for withholding the information. And if I just come out and say it to them they'll say I'm a whore  and that I just want money and fame. I can't win. "I know that. I really do..but I'm still scared Harry. Just because I've said a million times that I can handle this..I don't know anymore. My emotions are going to be horrible during these next few months and everything is going to be ten times worse for me." I whispered and chewed on my lip softly. "Why can't they just be happy for you, and not hate me?"

"I don't know, love. All the boys have wondered the same thing, but some teenage girls get a bit attached to us. They learn things about us from websites and interviews..but they never get to actually see first hand what we are like. They fall in love with what they see and hear, which isn't always the truth." Harry said softly and squeezed my hands very softly.

"Well, I'd love all your fans if they supported me through this. I know it's a lot to ask of them..but..they shouldn't hate me for this happening or assume that I'm a whore. Hell, they shouldn't even want to be in a situation like this. And I don't mean just with you..I don't think any girl should want to be knocked up by a celebrity. Things get complicated whenever there's press after you every minute of the day.." I said quietly.

Harry sighed softly and kissed the back of both my hands. "I know, Arriane. And you don't know how much I wish I could just be a normal boy you that you met at that club so that you wouldn't have to deal with all the hate and drama, but I can't change things. And I can't be ungrateful to the fans because I wouldn't be here today without them. No matter how crazy, messed up, and downright hysterical they are..I love them. We all do. And..I just hope they don't do anything to make me regret feeling that way toward them. I don't want my son or daughter being hated all over the world just because their father is in a boy band and their mother is the center of all the gossip sites."

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