Packing Up

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There were so many websites about me. Not all bad, but not all good. There were even many pictures of me taking at times I didn't even know there were people watching. Some of the shots weren't very decent looking, but to late to change anything now.

I tapped on a question that was on Yahoo Answers because my name was mentioned. The question read:

Is Arriane Drew really pregnant by Harry Styles?

I winced involuntary at the question. For some reason it just stung me and I wasn't even sure why. It was like they were calling me a whore or something, but then again they probably were. I chewed on my lip and scrolled down to see some of the answers. There were over a hundred of them. 

No. Why would he ever want to touch that?

Of course she is! She probably drugged him or something!

No, no. She's not smart enough for that. She probably begged him to sleep with her.

Are you kidding? She doesn't even know who the father is! She's just pinning it on Harry because he's rich.

Harry's mine bitch! Back off!

There were dozens upon dozens more, but I couldn't stand to read any more of them. They hurt to much and made me put a hand on my belly.

"How could people be like that towards me? I honestly don't understand it...They shouldn't want to be in my place. Nothing is more terrible then getting pregnant because of one drunken night.." I whispered and dropped Taylor's phone on the couch with it still open on the Yahoo page.

I wiped my eyes and sniffled softly. Suddenly, ice cream didn't even sound right to me. Nothing did exactly. I got the feeling that being drunk would probably help me to forget it all, but I couldn't do that now. I had to find something else to get away from it all in a way that would harm the only thing I had left in this world that truly depended on me.

I slowly walked into my bedroom and pulled out my suitcase. Despite the fact that I was honestly not in the mood for doing anything but laying down I knew I needed to pack. Taylor would kill me if I hadn't at least started by the time she got home.

Suddenly I felt a bile raising in my throat and I ran as fast I could to the bathroom then dropped on my knees. After I emptied the contents of my stomach I just laid my head against the lid and closed my eyes. The room was spinning and I didn't feel like moving.

"Arriane, why the hell was this Yahoo Answers page opened on my-" I heard the sound of Taylor's phone hitting the floor. "Oh my god! Arriane, are you alright?" she hurried over to me and tried to make me sit up.

I looked at her and didn't answer at first. A part of me wanted to tell her that I was fine and that I just needed sleep, but another wanted me to tell her something wasn't right. Of course, I'd be lying if I said that. I felt okay. Just a bit dizzy from throwing up and I knew that I was just stressing myself out to much. "Yeah..I'm fine. I just need to brush my teeth." I said quietly and tried to get up.

Taylor helped me to my feet and over to the sink. " to tell me why that page was open on my phone?" she asked with slight hesitation.

I began to brush my teeth before thought about responding to her. I was putting it off because I didn't want her yelling at me. I knew she'd yell at me for purposefully looking up stuff like that about me. She'd yell at me like Niall, Louis, Zayn, Liam and probably even Harry would. I spat out the tooth paste, rinsed out my mouth then pressed my lips together as I looked at her. "Did you know that Harry was blocking me from seeing hate on my phone?" I whispered.

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