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For a moment everyone just stared at me, but after a few more seconds some of their eyes broke away from my face to the puddle I was currently standing in. Shock was so thick in the air that it could have been cut with a knife.

"Arriane, are you sure?" Louis asked with slight hesitation. His tone and expression was guarded as he tried to hide his worry.

"Louis, are you stupid? She's standing in a puddle.." Taylor said in disbelief as she blinked the shock from her face.

He pressed his lips together. "She could have just wet her pants..but..I doubt that's the case." He said stiffly and glanced at Harry.

I stood frozen in place and looked at the curly haired boy as well. "H-Harry?" I whispered.

He gulped a bit as he returned my gaze. In one swift motion he was on his feet and helping to guide me to the couch. "Liam, please go up front and tell the driver to step on the gas..We have to get to a hospital ..Now." He said gently and held onto my hand. "Just breathe, love. Everything is going to be okay."

Without a word Liam ran up to the front of the bus while Harry continued to squeeze my hand and whisper reassuring words in my ear. Everyone else was looking at me with shock still in their eyes. I took deep breath and closed my eyes just as the bus started to shoot forward. My grip on Harry's hand tightened as I tried to keep my calm. Everything was going to be fine. Nothing bad was going to happen. I just had to keep repeating those two lines to myself.

Suddenly, the bus jerked to a stop and I opened my eyes with a puzzled expression. "Why are we stopping?" I asked through my teeth as I continued to breathe deeply.

"I'm not sure, love." Harry responded as he looked in the way that Liam ran toward and called out for him. Within moments he returned with a pale expression. "What happened? Why did we stop?"

He looked from Harry to me and then back to Harry. "The's broken down."

"Broken down!?" I said through my teeth in a gruff tone.

He nodded and glanced over his shoulder. "This bus wasn't fit to move at such a fast pace..and it hasn't exactly been checked for maintenance in a while because we haven't been using it."

"Then what are we suppose to do?" Taylor said as she sat down beside me. Her hand clasped around mine while I fought to breathe evenly.

Louis walked into the room, I couldn't even recall him leaving, and sat down in his chair with a frustrated look on his face. "As soon as the bus stopped I phoned for an ambulance and the bloody thing can't be here for a little over a half hour due to the traffic.."

My eyes widened and I looked around at the faces of the worried people surrounding me. "T-then what do we do? No one here knows how to deliver a baby safely..and..this baby feels like it's...coming fast.." I whimpered out and screwed my eyes closed as I tightly squeezed both Harry and Taylor's hands. It helped somewhat with the pain, but not much.

Harry took a deep breath and fished his phone out of his pocket. "I'm going to call the Doctor..and see what she says we should do." He said quietly while keeping his grip on my hand and dialing the number with his free one.

I sat beside him and didn't bother listening to the conversation. Instead, I tried to focus on my breathing and to block out the pains. My eyes watered, but I was able to keep myself from making any noises while he was talking intently with the doctor. After a few minutes he hung up the phone and his expression was pale. I took a deep breath and looked at him. "H-Harry? What did the doctor say?" I whispered.

He stared at me for a moment and his cheeks flushed. "I need to see how far you're dilated..then call her back."

I blinked and felt my own cheeks flush. "What?"

Baby DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now