Chapter five

413 19 11

Louis' POV

It was early.
Too early for my liking.
I was sat in the school car park at 7am. I wanted to be here early so as soon as I saw that motherfucker Zayn, I could pounce.

I felt sick listening to Harry tell me this horrid bullshit. I can't believe Harry is gay for starters. He gives off a 'I can fuck anyone' sort of look. My eyes widened in shock listening to all the sexual things Zayn made him do. And to then humiliate Harry in front of the school saying it was a dare, was wrong. So wrong.

I hadn't planned out what I would do to Zayn yet. All I wanted was for him to feel pain. Go through as much pain Harry went through. They changed him. They changed who he was and what he wanted to be because of Zayn. For all I know, Harry could be nothing like he is today.

But then again, would me and Harry click if he wasn't who he is today?

I saw Zayns car pull up in the parking lot, Liam was in the passenger seat, if anything they looked like they were dating.

My teeth clattered together seeing them all smug walking around like they owned the fucking place. I quietly got out my car and followed them closely, making sure they hadn't seen me yet.

I saw them walk into an abandoned classroom, what I saw next made my mouth drop and my eyes widen.

Liam and Zayn making out.

Zayn was the one who said he wasn't gay and only went out with Harry for a dare, to take advantage of him. And yet here he is not so openly making out with his best mate.

I pushed the door quite loudly open, they both jumped apart from each other and stared at me in shock.

"What do you want goth freak!!" Zayn said, anger growing on his face as he threw himself up.

"What the fuck is this? I thought you were 100% straight, you hypocrite. You put Harry through hell and here you are making out with someone your own gender!! " I screamed in his face.

"Oh so the queer told you about his desire to be with me?" Zayn snorted as Liam nervously laughed along.

"More like the desire to be with him. You fucking used him for your needs and then announced to the school it was a dare!? What kind of prick are you!?" At this time anger was an understatement.

The only thing Zayn did was laugh which made me even more furious, before I had time to control my actions I threw Zayn up against the wall and held on tightly to his throat.

"Don't you dare laugh at something this serious, or your little secret between you and Liam won't remain a secret for long." I spat.

He was struggling to breath so I let go slightly. I didn't want to kill the fool. Not yet.

"Harry deserves everything he gets! He's a freak!" Zayn shouted, my grip tightened once he had said that.

"Harry's a freak? Huh? What about me? Am I fucking normal to you!?"

"No your the same! But he's gay! He's disgusting. He fucking raped me!" Zayn screamed in my face.

I could no longer think about actions it was now just a reflex as I threw a punch in his face.

"You and I both know that's not true, Harry could never do a thing like that. You changed him you dick! If it wasn't for you messing with him Harry wouldn't be like this now! " Zayn didn't know how much of bastard he is.

"Aww are you sticking up for him? Your little boyfriend! Fags" Zayn said so quietly that it made me want to rip his throat out there and then.

"Oh and you making out with your mate isn't classed as gay then? Maybe I should ask the rest of the school? Sound good?" I asked, a smirk obvious on my face.

Zayns face had dropped and he was now looking at Liam. Liam was sat there scared for his life. His eyes were hopeful looking back at Zayn.

"He kissed me! I didn't want to kiss him!! He came onto me. I'm not gay!" Zayn said, although it was clearly all bullshit, Liam looked heartbroken.

I let go of Zayn and quietly told him "if you ever, ever touch or say anything to Harry again. This won't just stay between you and I."

I slammed the door as I walked out the classroom. Anger sill taking over my whole body.


Later on I had met up with Harry before we went to History, I had noticed how relaxed Harry looked compared to 3 weeks ago when I first met him. Maybe this was such a big deal to Harry after all. At least he could feel more comfortable knowing that I know.

As if on que Zayn came up to me and Harry and this time, before he opened his mouth to speak he looked me dead in the eye and closed it. I was now looking at Zayn in disgust, he stormed off and Harry seemed to notice my vicious look.

"What was that about?" He asked looking at me in confusion.

"May or May not of had a word with the prick" I said shrugging.

"What! Louis you didn't!" He whisper shouted pulling on my arm.

"Yeah I did. He needed a taste of his own medicine like I said, anyway I found out more than I expected when I spoke to him" I mumbled the last part.

Harry looked around and pulled me into the same abandoned classroom Zayn and Liam had been in previously.
"What do you mean?" He questioned looking hopeful to find something out.

"Well i had waited for Zayn to arrive at school to have my 'little talk' with him, and him and Liam walked into an empty- well this exact classroom and long story short they made out." I let the words linger in Harry's ears before making sure he'd say something.

"W-what!? B-but Zayn is straight??" He said, but seemed he was trying to convince himself.

"That's what I thought. He said that Liam came onto him and that he wasn't gay, but I saw the whole thing. Zayn was the first to make the move." I told him, his face was in so much confusion, it's like I've just told him that he's actually a girl.

"Well anyway I had my 'talk' with him, he shouldn't be bothering you or I again. So you can go back to being this scary figure that you are" I winked, his face turned red once I said that, and it was quite cute seeing his black eyelinered eyes close up quite small as he gave me the smallest smile.

The day continued as per usual, no annoying comments from Zayn or his gang. It was quite nice for once to actually have a peaceful day without having to punch someone in the face- well apart from the Zayn situation earlier but that doesn't count.

Harry opened up so much more to me after that but he told me how he was keeping quiet about his sexuality as he didn't like people knowing he was gay.

He didn't quite understand that there was nothing wrong with being gay.

At least that's what I think.


I feel like I've written 79392 chapters for this fanfic already, when reality is, it's about 6

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