Chapter 21

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Its done. Sorted. Arranged.
The plans for the proposal were well underway and I am honestly so fucking pumped.

This was crazy. And honestly a little risky but I didn't care. You only have one life right? Unless you're a cat, then you get 9... the lucky bastards. So why not live to the fullest? This honestly coming from me is so ironic but hey Louis's made me a new man.

Speaking of, I hadn't spoke to Louis in almost 4 days. 4 days!! I know I'm awful. Sorry. But I just had to have this be perfect. I couldn't risk Louis finding out what I was doing. It would have ruined everything. In fact only a few other people beside myself knew this was happening, my mum, Louis' family and Stan.

They were all lovely and perfect. They helped with everything and I honestly didn't know if I could do it without them.
-ring ring-

"Hello?" I answer

"Hey mate, I'm on my way to louis' now are you ready?" Stan spoke, desperately trying to hide his excitement but I knew he was just as excited as me.

"Yeah mate everything's done. Send him round."


I didn't know what the fuck was going on. Harry hadn't spoken to me in almost a week. I didn't get it. Was he cheating? Was he seeing someone else? Did he immigrate to China? Who fucking knows.

I've been kinda down a lot this week because of that. I wanted to give him space, all the space he needed but at the same time I didn't know why. We hadn't been arguing... that's normally what couples do after they have serious rows and arguments.

I went to go grab a drink, noticing my mum was no where to be seen, and neither were any of my siblings. Strange... had they immigrated to China too?

I shook it off, as I went to sit down only to stand back up as Stan barged through my door.
"You really need to learn how to knock you know."
I say rolling my eyes at the dopey idiot.

"Yeah whatever dude, anyways how about you and I go for a little drive?" He says flickering between me and his car.

"Um nah no thanks. Not tonight mate not up for it." I say as I start to head upstairs.

"I really think you should reconsider. I honestly think it may be the best day of your life." He says smirking slightly grabbing onto my arm for dear life.

I look at his grip on my arm up to his face. "Honesty Stan, your car rides aren't that special." I say as I try to be released from his grip.

He pulls me back and towards his car without me having time to say anything. I was already outside my house.

"For god sake Stan. Can a guy not have a wank and a sleep in peace?" I say rubbing my eyes at the beautifully lit sunset ahead of me.

He ushers me into his car with no further words.
"God sake, fine. Seeing as I literally have no choice I'll go on a car ride with you. But after an hour, you're taking me home." I say buckling up my seatbelt.

We drive around for about 15 minutes, until I notice the car slowing down and ultimately resulting in a stop. I look over at Stan and then back out the window.

"We're at Harry's house. Why?" I say awkwardly looking down and fidgeting with my hands, knowing our current situation.

All Stan says before smiling at me and hugging me tightly is "go through the side door towards the back garden. I love you bro."

I look at him puzzled before he ushers me out his car and drives off.

What. The. Fuck.

Is it just me or is everyone acting so fucking weird?
I look up to the house, why would he tell me to come here? Honestly, I don't even think harry would be here. I haven't heard or seen him in a week, he could be anywhere.

I do as instructed by Stan, and head to the side door, I walk in, finding this a little bit weird as Harry's mum or sister could be home. As I enter through, photos of me and harry are hung up all around the kitchen, that was dimly lit by many candles. Photos from when we first met each other to photos taken about a week ago. I smile looking through our memories. I continue to walk through heading towards the back door that enters out to the garden. I reach the handle and pull it open not having a clue what's going on.

As I pull the door open what I see had me holding my breath in shock.

There out in Harry's back garden was candles scattered in the shape of hearts, lanterns lit up all around attached to Harry's washing line, and there. In the centre was the man himself wearing a beautiful suit, his hair swooped back, down on one knee holding a small square box containing a small silver band, staring right at me.


As the door opened my heart stopped beating. I could feel louis' eyes widen, completely lost for words, holding his hands over his mouth in pure disbelief.

As he stepped closer to me I started to speak.

"Louis William Tomlinson. What can I say? I am honestly completely in love with you. From the moment I met you I knew you would have an impact on me. I knew you would be someone I care and cherish so much. What I didn't expect was to fall so head over heels for you. I didn't expect to change for the good with your presence in my life. A few years ago I was at my lowest. I had be ripped and torn apart from everything that was good in my life. Then one day you walked into it. And in the last year since I met you. I haven't stopped thinking about you once. Everyday you make me happy, knowing that I get to see your gorgeous face. We fight so hard to live our everyday lives against the discrimination in society that we face, whether it be because of the piercings and tattoos, the eyeliner or the fact that we are simply two men in love. But everyday we are proven to be stronger and I know that with every minute you're by my side I won't ever stop loving you. So I guess only one thing is for it.
Louis Tomlinson will you do me the honour, will you marry me? "

I wait there patiently, still keeping eye contact with him as his eyes continue to stay widen. My smile turns to a grin when I watch him remove his hands from his face and open his mouth to speak.


So I haven't actually updated this in legit 2 YEARS!! so I apologise but I thought I'd bring this bitch back around so please enjoy :) this book is not over till the fat lady sings and I haven't sung Just yet :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2018 ⏰

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