Chapter six

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Yoooo!!!! Hi sorry, I'm being annoying I just got bored so yeah...

Harry's POV

Louis is such an angel, it makes me feel so happy that I have a friend like Louis. The fact that he was just willing to go up to Zayn and confront him like that, was just so sweet.

It was now Friday, and me and Louis both made it through an entire week without nasty comments from Zayn or anyone in his 'gang'.

It was strange though- I hadn't seen Liam at all. All week. I thought he might of been ill, but I wasn't sure.

That was until me and Louis were on our way to chemistry, as we rounded the corner we saw Zayn and Liam in the middle of an argument.

"-how dare you use me!! I'm not an object Zayn! You can't just pick me up and use me whenever you desire! I have feelings too, you know."

"But people can't know!! I don't want anyone thinking I'm some gay queer, I don't think it crossed your mind Liam that I have a reputation to remain."

"What reputation!!? You have nothing anymore. The only person that stuck by your side was me! And yet you can't even treat me with fucking respect!"

"I don't know why you are so bothered!! I've never been into you! I only wanted one thing off you Liam! How have you not gathered that yet!? I AM STRAIGHT!"

"As straight as a fucking circle! YOU KNOW IT WAS ALL FAKE! You had feelings for harry! And the way you dealt with those feelings were to turn into a horrible homophobic prick! Why can't you face the fact you are gay and you like Harry!?"

"I don't like him. I can't like him. He's gay. And I don't like being gay- I mean i would hate to be gay it's wrong!"

"I know you like him Zayn, I know you don't love me like you say you do. Why can't you understand that I'm letting you go here. I fell for you, but you broke my heart, just let him know the truth. It's the least he deserves."

With that we saw Liam walk down the corridor in the opposite direction to where we were standing.

Zayn stood there and shook his head, he looked up and turned to face us.

"I-it's n-not true" he whispered as he walked  past us.


What the fuck was that!?

There is so much information to take in. Liam and Zayn are going out- were going out, Zayn doesn't want to admit he's gay, Zayn has feelings for me.

Woah woah woah! Too much drama for one day.

I turn to face Louis, his face is in as much shock as mine.

"What was that!?" I whispered.

"I honestly don't know" he looked around like a lost puppy. Was this all true?

"All I know is that you can't go anywhere near Zayn. He can't take you back." Louis whispered standing close to me.

"I wouldn't dare."

"Good, you deserve better."

"Like you." I mumbled.


Shit, no, no, no! Please say he didn't hear that!

"What do you mean Harry." He looked at me a little unsure but stern.

"I-i d-didnt s-say any-ything?"

"Yes you did. You said 'Like You'"

"This is something I'd really not want to talk to you about." In true fact, I was right, I could never say that I've started growing feelings for the only person who's bothered to be my friend, and i think you are perfect.

"H-Harry d-do...." He took a breath, " you like me?"

Louis. I try opening my mouth, but it remained shut. I was screaming out for
Help, but no words came out. I started shaking and my forehead was sweating, my memory was becoming blank and I suddenly forgot my existence.

All I saw before things went black was a beautiful, blue eyed boy stood in front of me.

I soon saw black, and I felt my body crumble down.


Short little chapter, but so much to absorb. Oh wow.

Next chapter is going to be a big one. Brace your selves.

And if you hadn't guessed Harry fainted and fell unconscious. He didn't actually crumble. That would be... A little strange.

Anyway bye... Next chapter to be within next few days. 

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