Chapter seventeen

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Harry's POV

From Lou

"Don't you ever speak to me again! I hate you Harry Styles!!"

What!? I sat up in bed staring at my phone wide-eyed. My hand on my chest. What had I done? Why had Louis sent this to me. I could literally feel my heart tearing inside.

The first thing I did was call Louis, he didn't answer. I called about 75 times. And still no answer.

I decided to call Stan, I was so lost and I didn't know what was happening.


"I'm sorry Harry, I can't really talk right now."

"No Stan you have to listen! Lou-"

"I know Harry. And that's the reason I can't speak to you. I'm sorry."

With that, the phone call ended. I couldn't believe this. Louis had told Stan not to speak to me!? What had I done!?
I had to know.

I raced downstairs, and grabbed my keys. I flung myself in my car and drove as fast as I could down the street.

Once I reached Louis', I knocked on the door loudly, my heart in my throat. I felt sick. I had no idea what I had done, and it was really starting to scare me.

Moments later Stan answered the door.

"Harry I've already told you, I can't speak" he said, trying to slowly shut the door.

"I'm not here to speak to you Stan. I'm here to speak to Louis." I say as I shove my foot in between the door. Ignoring all pain.

"Harry that isn't a good ide-"I cut him off by pushing past him, into the house. I ran as fast as humanly possible to Louis' room, and barged through his door.

When I entered my heart sunk.

Louis' POV

I was sat on my bed, the day had been nothing but a bore. I never thought I would be bored during a suspension. Each time I got suspended, I would go down the back ally and have a smoke with some older mates, or I would find some girls to bring back to mine. But since I don't even want this suspension, I'm finding it really hard to actually do something.

I heard a beep on my phone, and was hoping it was a text from Harry, wanting to meet me or something.

But that isn't who I received a message from. I opened up the Facebook messenger and clicked on Zayn's name. It read:

"look what your little fuckboy has been saying behind your back"
-Audio attachment.

I knew this wasn't going to be real, it would just be Niall, trying to sound like Harry or something. But I clicked on the audio and my heart split in two.

"Louis is not my boyfriend! I don't give a fuck about him!? He's a ugly messed up creature who can crawl back into his hole. My life has been a mess since I met him!"

That was Harry's voice.

How could Harry say that? And to Zayn! Of all people!? I sat back, playing the audio over and over again.

This couldn't be true. But it was.

I had sent Harry a text telling him to never speak to me again. I can't believe all along this was an act! He made me fall for him. He was my first kiss with a boy, and the first person I had ever cared about. How could he do this to me?

I called Stan asking him to come over, and as soon as he arrived I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. I just allowed myself to flop onto Stan's knees.

All of a sudden Stan's phone went off, it was Harry.

I signalled to Stan that i didn't want him speaking to him, which Harry didn't seem to get.

And within less than 5 minutes there was a knock on the door. Stan happily went to get it, as I stayed silent in my room.

I could hear Harry's voice. And it made me smile, but then I remembered what he had done. And the tears continued.

I could hear footsteps banging up the stairs, and couldn't tell if they were Stan's or not.

Suddenly my door got thrown open, and there stood Harry.

We were both staring at each other for what seemed 4 hours. But happened to be 5 seconds.

I whispered quietly, feeling too numb to shout. "Get out."

"Louis you don't understand! I don't know what I've done!?" He screams back. Trying to walk closer.

"Oh really? Because Zayn and Niall defiantly seem to know." I say. Sitting up more in my bed.

"What!? I haven't even spoken to them!apart from earlier in the bathroom, but I was defending you!" He says, his face looking like an unsolved jigsaw puzzle.

"Haha yeah because it defiantly sounded like that. You know what, just leave. I should of never have trusted you in the first place. You make me feel sick. I can't believe I fell for you!" I screamed, but my voice broke as I got to the end.

Seconds later Stan comes barging up the stairs and into my room.

"I'm sorry Louis, he came straight past me." He says, staring at me with wide-eyes.

"It's okay. Please just get him out of here. I can't look at him anymore." I say, as I turn away, and roll over in my bed.

I hear Harry's voice one last time before I drift into a sleep.

"Believe me."


Short little chapter, but I just wanted to explain the last part of chapter sixteen.

So yeah as you may remember last chapter Zayn, Niall and Harry were in the bathroom, where Harry said that, but they cut off the part where he said "is that what you want to hear"

Sneaky little buggers.

I'm literally so behind in everything in school, and I'm a few weeks away from my exams. But I'm gonna try to update every Sunday. As Sundays are usually my free days.

Omg I have to sing a song in front of my whole school tomorrow 😭

Anyway things may get better things may get worse. Just wait and see.

Follow me on twitter :))


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