Emily's story

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We walked or well I walked while trying to help him walk. We've been walking for about 20 minutes but it seems like it's been hours. He had trouble walking due to him still being woozy and dizzy and he kept insisting to walk on his own but I knew he couldn't and if he did he would just tumble and fall. So far it's been pretty easy walking over there besides the distance until I remembered what Adam said how to get to his uncle's house you had to go through a forest and as I was thinking about it I stumbled across the entrance to the forest. I looked up to see the trees looked like skyscrapers from down here but I knew they weren't but they still looked talk enough to make the forest intimidating. I didn't want to enter it but it was becoming late and the sky became even darker and it seemed too late to try and go around it.

I decided to go through it and after a few minutes it didn't seem all that bad until the paranoia came. I heard a howl and looked at the full moon glowing in the night sky..not a shining star in sight. I heard an owl flying over me and perching on a tree hoo-ing to make me panic even more. My palms started sweating and I started becoming scared easily jumping up and looking around anytime I heard or saw anything.

I then heard a rustle in a near by bush and by not paying attention fell from the root of a tree. I was fine and Adam fell to the ground too since I was his only balance. The bush rustled more and more and I became more scared ready to just run and abandon Adam like a coward but I just couldn't and on top of that my foot was caught and struggling wasn't making it better. The rustle was faster until a bunny came out relieving me of my anxiety and fear. I laid down there after releasing my foot and really wanted to just lay there and fall asleep...that is until I saw something shining in the distance. I got up and laid Adam to sit up against a tree and went toward the object. It was low on the ground and after coming closer and pushing bushes, shrubs, and branches aside and saw it was a red shiny axe...covered in blood and I'm pretty sure it's human blood because I saw a bleeding arm with fingers cut off popping out of the ground and a shovel next to it..
I didn't want to but I could need the axe if any could happen and I needed to defend Adam and I. So I picked it up cleaned it off with some leaves and returned to Adam still wondering what that axe was doing there and I didn't even want to think about the blood and the arm...
After 5 minutes of resting Adam started to become more conscious I guess because he could get up on his own now. I asked him if he was alright and he said, "No....I'm doing something bad..you need to run...leave before.."
And he was interrupted by a tall muscular man with a brown hat and clothing as if he were hiking. The man said, "Adam? Is that you??"

Adam nod his head

The man said, "Well now you seem like you need rest c'mon over to my house I'll whip something up for ya"
The man started walking leading the way but before Adam could get up he looked down seeming he was ashamed and said to me quietly, "I'm sorry..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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