Emily's Story

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With my dad failing at getting jobs my mom would always bring a beer for him after his search just to make him feel a little better. But I don't think she know how bad it would turn out.

Everyday he kept searching less and less getting more beers day after day until.....he just stopped searching he had given up on it and my mom kept giving him beers until after a week I told her to stop giving him them because it wasen't really helping.

She said I was right and the next day I went to school with my sister but before I left the house I heard my mom tell my dad " Baby you're not searching anymore and the beers are making you act strange and they really aren't helping so I have to stop you have to find the courage to start searching again" the last thing I heard from my dad before I left was " oh really??? Want to know what I think?".........

I came home to school that day to not find my dad which I guess means the talk worked only then I would find my mother in the kitchen with her hair covering her eye I can see her shaking too. I poked my mom she turned and I saw blood across her face a black eye and cuts from a knife with tears in her eyes......

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