Emily's Story

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I saw a bodybag getting carried to the ambulence and I heard my dad say "..... well she was suicidal....." I wondered who he was talking about.

Then I saw a hand come outta the bodybag bein carried into the ambulence the hand had a pretty ring that was green and had a heart and had letters engraved on it. The letters were ......... E.P. .........

I ran to the body screaming "MOMMY!!!!!!!!" With tears in my eyes

I hugged the lifeless body crying tears falling on the body and I whispered " Please don't leave me......I need you....I love you......please come back......". Just crying the cops pulled me away from the body so the men in blue could put her in the ambulence.

My mom is dead so many question coming through my mind like how did it happen? Why? Why did she leave me alone with.....him......He was my only parent now.

I ran to him and said " Eric.....( Because I don't think of him as my dad anymore) what happened to mom....."

He said in front of the police " I don't know I'm just sleeping and I wake up and call my beautiful wife but she doesn't respond and I get worried so I go upstairs and she was.........".

I couldn't believe him he was acting like the perfect husband only in front of the police I knew Something else had happen but didn't know what I'll just ask him about it later.

A lot of things were going through my head but the two major ones were

How did my mom die?

And how would Eric treat me now that his wife died and his other daughter I was all that was left........

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