Emily's story

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The police man entered the house I stayed watching from an upstairs distant. He inspected the house and searched for certain things. He asked if he could go to mom's room. My dad said " I don't think you should". The police man grew suspicious and curious and asked why not. My dad said" Well it's too painful to remember her so I don't think anyone should go inside yet..." The police officer said " Can I ask you a question?" My dad said " Sure".

The officer said " I don't know about the rest of the people in the investigation but could you explain to me the real death of your wife? Because I see that you are an alcoholic and many people may not know this but I did a little but of background check on you and turns out you had an incident in the army didn't you?"

My dad started sweating. He was nervous but he did the only thing he could have done. He grabbed an empty bottle and smashed it on the officer's head. Glass was splattered everywhere, my dad tackled the officer. They both fought until my dad got on top of him and punched him while smashing multiple bottles on him. The officer was knocked out so my dad dragged him upstairs into mom's room. He didn't even seem to care I wasn't in the room anymore. I watched it from my room he locked the door with the unconscious man inside it. He went downstairs and started pacing he knew he did something bad. This was actually the first time he was actually completely sober to realize the stupid things he did.

He kept murmuring to himself " What am I gonna do..... I can't believe this happened", and kept doing it until he said quietly " No one must know....." He looked upstairs at me when he said it.

He started going up the steps fast saying loudly "EMILY COME HERE EMILY!" I quickly locked myself in my room and bombarded the door with a bunch of things in my room. It wasn't gonna last long he was already starting to move them.

I had no way to escape I was gonna die! I tried to look for vents or anything that could lead me out. I started to cry in the corner until I looked up and saw the open window with breezy wind coming in....

I gathered my stuff anything I needed got out the window standing on the ledge. And I jumped....

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