Hermione what're you doing?

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Draco POV

Then, I pull away. Harry smirks at my most likely flushed face and slightly messed up hair. I chuckle lightly and kiss the tip of his nose. Harry blushes a deep red. He's so adorable.

"Draco?" He asks.


"Can I see you again?"

"Of course."


"I live with my godfather. Our house is two stories and Uncle Sev expanded the basement and turned it into a really big library. We can go there."

"Won't he see us go in?"

"Nah, he gets home at 6. You can come over at 4 tomorrow."


"What's wrong?"

"I'm just, uh, scared to be sneaking around your house."

"I can ask him if I could invite you over instead."


"He knows about us."

"What!?" Harry's face turns red.

"I might've told him..."

"Anyone else!?"


"Draco! I didn't tell anyone!"

"It's my godfather and my best friend."

"I didn't tell Sirius or Hermione..."

"Uncle Sev and Pansy already know I'm gay."

"Really? I...nobody knows that I'm gay."

"Not even Granger?"

"Not even Granger."

"Wow. Pansy knows, Uncle Sev knows, my mom knows, my Aunt Bella knows...thank god, my dad doesn't know. He would break out of prison and kill me personally. I got kicked out of my Aunt's house when I told her and my mom. My mom still lives there. She doesn't talk to me. Luckily, Uncle Sev is the best godfather ever."

Harry pulls me into a tight embrace.

"Draco, I had no idea," He mumbles into my shoulder.

"Most people wouldn't think my life was that..."


"Yeah, shitty."

Harry POV

Then, I get a phone call.


"Harry! Guess what!?"

"Um, 'Mione, I'm a little busy at the moment..."

"Got a secret girlfriend, perhaps?"

Draco smirks.


"It's alright, Har. You don't have to tell. Anyways...guess who Seamus is dating!?"



"Gay boy, Finnigan?"

"Yes! Now...guess!!"


"No! Dean's as straight as a ruler."

"A bendy ruler..."

"Dean just got with Ginny."


"An hour after Neville dumped her."

"What a slut."

"I know right. Anyways, Seamus is dating Zabbinie!"

"What? Fuck boi Blaise? He's such a man whore."

Draco glares at me.

"I know! But him and Seamus are a thing now."

"Holy shit."

"I know!! Oh, and Neville got laid!"

"What? Hell no...Neville got laid?"

"No...actually, just got a girlfriend..."


"Cho Chang."

"Seriously!? She's even more slutty than Ginny! She always has her non-existent cleavage showing and her skirts 1 inch too short."

"Neville's just...experiencing."

"What, by fucking all of the sluts?"

"Neville doesn't fuck, he-"

"Hermione, what're you doing?" Calls a voice in the background. After that, 'Mione hangs up.

I stare at Draco.

"So...the gayest boy in school with the sex craziest boy in school...what could happen?" I smirk.

"I bet it won't last a month."

"I bet a week."

Draco checks his phone and looks at me.

"I got to go. Sev wants me home."


I lean over and peck his cheek.

"See you tomorrow, Draco."

"See you tomorrow, Harry."

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