Studying the stars.

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Draco POV

After grabbing a small green blanket out of my car, I bring it back down to the drop off. I see Harry laying on the ground, looking up at the stars.

"Hi, Harry," I say, nudging one of the arms tucked behind his head with my foot.

He turns to look at me and smiles. "Hi, Draco." He sits up.

I lay the blanket spread out on the ground beside him. He stands up and helps me straighten it. Afterwards, we lay down together. The blanket is quite small, so we wrap ourselves around one another, studying the stars.

After a while, Harry turns onto his side to face me. A million different looks cross his face before he finally meets my eyes.

"Draco," He starts, "I've been through a lot in my life—especially recently—but I do know that there's one really good thing that has come out of it. That's you. I really like you, Draco, and you and me..We're in this together. I.."

Harry is unable to continue. His green eyes begin to cloud over and fill with tears. I cup his face with my hand and lean in, kissing him gently. At this point we're both crying and hugging one another.

"I love you!" Harry cries into my shoulder, hugging me.

"No, Harry, I love you!"

We spend hours just laying there, getting lost in one another. We loose ourselves in the stars and in our love.

When it's time to leave, we walk back to the car together. We hold hands, our fingers laced together in the sweetest way. Harry puts the blanket in the backseat. We then sit in the front together. I rest my hand on the dashboard and Harry rests his on top of mine.

As I drive back home, I can feel Harry's hand rub mine in a reassuring way. The city lights are on and bright in a beautiful way. Though, Harry and I both agree that no lights could ever amount to the lights of the stars we saw together tonight.


Remus POV

I sleepily open my eyes, peering out the window. An unfamiliar car is in the driveway. I pry Sirius' arms off of me–earlier tonight I came to his house to watch a movie and we fell asleep on the couch together–and head outside.

I approach the car and see Harry and another boy his age. They are asleep and their hands are together. I quietly knock on the window of the drivers seat and the blonde headed boy sits up. He rolls down the window, a look of confusion across his face.

"Professor Lupin?" He asks.

At this point Harry has woken up as well and is using his free hand to rub his eyes.

"Do I know you?" I ask the boy.

"I'm Draco Malfoy," He says, "I'm a Slytherin so you wouldn't see me. My classes are in the downstairs wing of the school."

"Lupin?" Harry then asks, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm just hanging out with Sirius. I should actually be asking you what you're doing sleeping in the driveway with a boy."

"Star gazing."

"Ah. Romantic..?"

"Well I would hope that star gazing with my wonderful boyfriend would be romantic," Draco says, squeezing Harry's hand.

After that I smile and we talk some more. Around half and hour has passed and Draco says he has to get home and I walk inside with Harry.

"He's a good one," I say, winking at Harry.

He smiles to himself. "Yeah. He really is."

"Don't lose him."

"I won't. For sure."

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