Draco Malfoy.

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Harry POV

Draco holds my hand, walking me to the door. On the way he stubs his toe, trips, and sneezes four times.

"You're such an awkward little rice crispy treat!" I say with a laugh after he sneezes for the fifth time.

"Rice crispy treat?" He asks, snorting.

"First thing I thought of."

Draco opens the door and we walk out. I shut it behind us. We walk to the end of the driveway and sit, waiting for Sirius to come pick me up. Draco blows in my ear and I laugh, smacking him away.

"Stop it!" I squeal, blowing in his ear after.

Draco lunges over me, holding my arms down. He climbs on top of me and uses one hand to hold both of my hands above my head. He uses his other to tickle me sides.

"Stop it! Dray!" I scream as he tickles me.

After a while he finally stops, leaning down and kissing me. I kiss back, smiling. He pulls away, our lips almost touching, and moves and blows in my ear. I groan and he gets off of me, pulling me with him. I squish into his side and he wraps his arm around me, kissing my cheek.

"This morning you were worried about Neville finding out about us and now you're so open for public affection. What has gotten into you?" I ask.

"Not many people live in my neighborhood, Harry. Plus, if someone saw and tried to say something then Uncle Sev would beat the shit out of them. Literally. They wouldn't be pooping for weeks."

I chuckle, resting my head on his shoulder. "Mkay, Dray."

"I love you, Harry," Draco says after a while, rubbing my back soothingly.

"I love you too. My little dragon," I reply, closing my eyes and leaning into his side.

"I'm the little one? You're the one that has an arm wrapped around you."

I push his arm off of me and instead wrap both of my arms around him.

"Now you're my little dragon," I whisper in his ear, kissing his cheek.

Sirius' car pulls up soon after that. Draco stands up, grabbing my hand and pulling me up with him.

"Bye, Draco. I'll see you at school on Monday," I say, turning to leave. He swiftly turns me back around, squeezing the life out of me. I hug him back just as tightly, burying my head in his shoulder while sighing contentedly. Soon he releases me, pecking my forehead.

"Don't forget to meet me in the library at lunch," He says, cupping my face with his hand. I nod, leaning in and kissing him one last time before turning and leaving with Sirius.


Hermione's car pulls up in the driveway and I run out, tripping over my feet. Even though I saw her yesterday I feel as if I haven't seen her in ages. She steps out of the car and I jump on her, nearly knocking her over.

"Whoa! What's gotten into you, Harry?" She asks with a laugh, hugging me back.

"I'm just glad to see you," I say, beaming, "What are you doing here?"

"I came with Neville," She says, ruffling my hair. Neville gets out of the car, walking towards us.

"Hello, Harry," He says, nodding his head.

"Oh, old Longbottom's too tough for a hug?" I tease. Neville laughs, hugging me. We go inside after talking for a while.

"How are you doing Neville?" I ask once we're seated in the living room.

"Fine. Better than I was this morning," He replies, tapping his foot.

"Are you sure?" I ask. His tapping continues.

"I honestly have no clue. I really, really liked her. You have no clue what it's like...being in love–"

"I do to," I snap, not even meaning to snap in the first place. Hermione cocks an eyebrow, looking at me quizzingly.

"Don't give me that look. We all know you have a secret boyfriend," I say grumpily, crossing my arms.

"Well so do you!" She shouts, fuming. Neville stares at both of us wide eyed.

"Is it true?" He asks, looking at me. I look away, refusing to meet his eyes.

"I might have an...acquaintance–"

"What a load of rubbish!"


"Bullshit! You have a boyfriend!"

"I do not!"

"You do to!"

"So do you!"

"Harry James Potter–"

"Everyone stop!" Neville shouts, a silence following after.

Hermione clears her throat, speaking again. "Fine. I have a secret boyfriend. Happy?"

"Yep," I reply smugly. Neville's practically fangirling. I swear he's about to shout I knew it when Hermione speaks again.

"That still doesn't change that fact that you have a boyfriend aswell."

I don't respond, shifting my gaze to the floor.

"Oh, come on! We both know who it is!" She says, looking to Neville. He shrugs, looking back at me. Hermione sighs.

"Draco Malfoy."

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