Tell your boyfriend I said hi.

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Harry POV

I walk to Draco's house, my bag slung over my shoulder. It's ten till eight and I just finished hanging out with Hermione. She dragged me around town the whole day. I rub my eyes sleepily and continue walking. When I reach the address that Draco gave me, I'm surprised to see him sitting outside.

"Draco?" I ask, shaking him.

Draco opens his eyes, looking at me.

"Hey," I smile, "What's up?"

"I was waiting for you because I was excited. I must have fallen asleep," He smiles shyly, blushing under my gaze.

"Come on, babe. Let's get you inside," I say, grabbing his hand.

I help him up. Draco leads me to the front door, our hands still grasped together tightly. He smiles at me nervously before opening the door. We step inside. A warm, comforting feeling  greets me. Snape walks into the room, his face emotionless.

"Hello, Mr. Potter. It's..lovely to have you here," He says with what I think is an actual smile. Wow. He might actually have a soul.

"Thank you, Sn–Um, Professor Snape," I say awkwardly.

"Please, call me Severus."


Snape leaves the room to go prepare dinner and Draco pulls me aside.

"Don't worry about him. He just needs to warm up to you," Draco smiles reassuringly.

"He's actually acting a lot nicer towards me than I had expected."

"Really? That's good."

Draco then leans into my ear, millimeters away. His breath tingles and I shiver.

"Guess what?" He asks.

"What?" I ask, staring up at the ceiling as a way to distract myself.

"You're beautiful."

I shove him away playfully.


"I was just being nice," He pouts, sticking out his bottom lip.

"No, you're trying to seduce me while your Godfather is in the other room."


"You're just to cute to stay mad at," I groan, pecking his cheek. He cups my cheek, caressing it gently. Draco leans down and brushes his lips against my temple.

"It's fun being the tall one," He smiles, leaning his forehead against mine. His eyes are closed and he looks young. He looks beautiful. Of course Draco is always beautiful, but at this moment he has a sort of youthful look that has a special beauty.

"How did I get you?" I think aloud.

"Actually, love, the real question is...How did I get you, Harry? You're so wonderful."

"I'm not wonderful–"

"Nonsense," He whispers, peering at me from under his lashes, "You're perfect. You're an honest person. You're brave, loyal, selfless. You always put others first. Well, you know what, Harry? I'm going to put you first. I'll spoil my boyfriend rotten."

"Wow, Draco...I don't know what to say. How could I ever top a speech like that?"

"You don't have to. Your love is all I need. You do love me, right?"



"Of course I do. I'm just new to this kind of stuff."

"The relationship thing or thing?"


"You've never had a boyfriend before?"

"Nope. You're my first."

"And hopefully your last."



After dinner, Draco takes me into his room. Band posters cover the walls and ceiling. He has a desk in front of his window, covered in papers. His bed is on the opposite wall. The bed spread is plain grey but I like it. The only other thing in the room is a small closet filled with T-Shirts and jeans.

"I like your room," I say, looking around.

"Thanks. Are you staying the night?" He asks.

"Hold on, I'll call Sirius."

I take out my phone, dialing his number. Hopefully he won't mind me staying.


"Hey, Sirius."

"Hey Harry! How's it going? Having fun at your friends house?"

"Yeah. I was wondering if I could spend the night."

"Sure. I'll pick you up tomorr–"

"No! I mean—It's fine. I can walk home..."

"Is there something you aren't telling me?"

"No, of course not! Everything is fine. I just–"

"Give me the address, Harry. I'm picking you up tomorrow at two."

I sigh, telling him Draco's address.

"Thanks," Says Sirius, "Oh... and tell your boyfriend I said hi."

He hangs up and I almost drop my phone.

"The fuck?"

"What'd he say?" Asks Draco.

"He told me to... Tell my boyfriend he said hi..."

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