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Neville POV

[one month later]

A lot has happened over the past month. Not only to me, but to everyone else. Pansy's kidnapper was found and arrested. It turns out he was a man by the name of Peter Petigrew. During interrogation, he admitted that he believed, due to unknown sources, that Pansy had information regarding the death of Lily and James Potter. We all thought that was ridiculous. Harry knows how his parents died. We all do. Why would Mr. Petigrew question that? And, why would he question Pansy, a teenage girl? Well, I guess people like her have always been the suspicious type.

Blaise confessed to me on a sunny Tuesday morning before school. It was after many hints from Harry. Blaise's confession was near the rose bushes. I politely declined. I'm still not sure whether I like Blaise or not, and after everything that has happened recently, I am not ready for another relationship yet.

Pansy moved away to live with her mother in Maine. We all got together tonight to be there for one another. Hermione, Harry, and I. The three best friends. Though, we haven't been as close lately. Harry brought along Draco. Hermione brought Ron. The gathering has a tense aura surrounding it.

"You okay, Buddy?"

"Yeah! Why?"

"You seem like you have a lot on your mind, Neville. We're all friends here. At least, now we are. A lot has happened over these past two months." He puts a hand on my shoulder. I attempt to smile. I appreciate the gesture, though, I can't help feeling uneasy.

"I'm just glad that its summer now."

"Yeah, now we can really put our differences aside. Life isn't always black and white. Unlikely things are bound to happen. I mean, according to certain statistics.. Anyway, things can be different now."


"I'm not a slytherin. You're not a gryffindor. We're just friends trying to get over the bullshit terrorizing our lives."

"You're pretty deep.. For a slytherin." I smirk.

"Thanks for sticking up for Harry and I."

"That's what friends are for, Malfoy. Uh, Draco?"

As it is Draco's house, he excuses himself to answer the door after hearing the doorbell ring. My face heats up when I see who it is. Blaise. We haven't talked much since I declined his affections. To be frank, I'm embarrassed. He gives me an awkward wave and retreats to chat with Ron and Draco.

I sit down on the couch, taking a sip of my lemonade.

Harry POV

God, life is shit.

A week ago, I opened up to Neville about my abuser. Draco was already aware. It was one of the hardest things I have done. All my life, I have received pity from others. More than anying, I want to not be weak. I want to, I need to be brave. Draco often jokes that I could be a closeted slytherin. I've asked myself almost my whole life. What if that's true?

I take a puff of my blunt, groaning when it's mostly ash. I put the remaining weed in a bowl in my pocket, pulling out a lighter soon after. As I light it, something unexpected occurs.


"Oh. Hey."

"You smoke?" Hermione is now standing beside me, reaching for the bowl.

I take a hit, turning to the side to distance myself from her. "What's it to you?"

We're quiet for a while. I see her looking at me out of the corner of my eye. I begin to talk, quiet at first. "Neville and Draco may be talking inside, spouting bullshit about how we're all friends now and the past is behind us. But is it really? You're a bitch, Hermione. Plain and simple. You're not some fictional magical being who gets to do what she wants. You're just a highschool girl. And you're mean. You're mean to everyone. You lie constantly, you steal, you treat your friends like shit.. You punched my goddamn boyfriend! This isn't a fairly tale. You're just an average human girl. You were my friend. You broke my heart."

"Damn, Hare."

I take another hit. It surprises me when my eyes get cloudy. I blink from the smoke and the foreign feeling. After a cough, my sleeve comes up to wipe away a tear.

"Why couldn't you just let me be happy?"


"I know me and Draco got together quickly. We may have rushed things a bit. But I know that I care about him, and that this is real. I've had a hard life, Hermione, and you were supposed to be my friend through it all."


"Why can't you not be selfish for once in your life!?" I whip my head around to face her. Tears stain my face. I take another hit. I blow the smoke in her face. She takes the bowl.

"Life is shit, Harry. You just gotta learn to deal with the bullshit. Like you said, this isn't a fairytale. You're not a hero, a wizard, a fuckhead dragonshit or whatever." She uses her lighter to take a hit, handing me the bowl afterwards.

"I love Draco. He makes life not shitty. When we got together.. Just tell me. Why did you have a problem with us?"

It's silent for a while. I'm still crying. All I taste is the salt from my tears and weed. The bowl feels cool against my lips. I start to light up again. Then I stop.

"What the fuck, Hermione.."


"What the fuck!?" I cry, dropping the bowl. It shatters. Hermione backs up, in shock.


"Why did you end our friendship? I loved you, Hermione. You were my best friend."

"I'm so sorry, Har-"

"You're so goddamn selfish! You.. Fuck, I'm high.

"I guess.."


"I guess maybe I was jealous! Now you know that I had Ron at the time. But, I was jealous of your bravery! Of how open you could be! I never thought I could do that. I always valued your bravery.. Ever since we were kids.."

"Woah." I stare at her. She's crying too now. "Hermione.." I sign. "Wanna go in? I think it will be better if we talk about this later. We're both kinda zooted."


I put my arm around her and we walk in. Maybe we can be friends again. I hope we can. This is still unresolved, but the sober part of me knows that we should talk about this later. When I walk in, I am greeted by Draco's smile. Maybe.


Maybe everything can be good again. Maybe I can finally be happy.

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