Your Question's Answered!

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Endergirl2333 asked - Who is the person that killed Rose?

That's classified information my dear. I'm very, very sorry. Although, here's a hint. It's someone close to her. :)

Endergirl2333 asked - Will you end the book when Rose comes back to life ( maybe ) ?

I was thinking about it in all honesty. I may I'm not sure. I'm not going to give you exact details, but I'm thinking about bringing her back to life very, very soon. ;)

Hano2hug asked - Do you think you could make a spin-off about Lillian and her adventures?

I don't know if there will be one or not. I'm going to try to make this one really long for a few reasons. I want to do a spin-off book about Slender Man and Emma at some point but I'm not sure. Let me know if I should or not. :)

Lisetteg123 asked - Will there be a fourth book?

I'm not sure if I will or not, but I'll think about it. I'm going to try and make this one really long like I said before. We'll just have to see! :)


Thank you all for reading and being active! It means so much to me to know that I'm doing something in this series right! I love you all so much and I hope that you're satisfied with your answer's!


Twitter: JTKLovers1

Instagram: jeffthekillerlovers

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Second Account: PhanGirlPhanFiction

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